Main / Faculties and Departments / Kusainova Каini Tulegenovna
Kusainova Каini Tulegenovna

Kusainova Каini Tulegenovna


Candidate of technicalsciences,

seniorlecturer of the Department radio engineering

& electronics and telecommunications

Office 1235, tel. +7(7172)395199


Sphere of scientific interests

Power supply of telecommunication systems and computer technology, Digital signal processing

Delivered disciplines:

Digital signal processing, Methods and technologies for digital signal and image processing


1974-1979 Tselinograd State Pedagogical Institute. S. Seifullina, general technical disciplines and physics.

06/30/2011 The Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan awarded the degree of candidate of technical sciences, specialty 05.02.23


1979-1998 Tselinograd State Pedagogical Institute. S. Seifullin as a teacher, and then as a senior lecturer of the department of OTD (general technical disciplines)

2000 -2007 Senior lecturer of the department "OPD" of the Akmola branch of M. Tynyshpaeva KazATC

2009 to present  Senior Lecturer of the Department of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications, S.Seifullin KATU.

Awards, honorary diplomas

• Anniversary medal "100th anniversary of Malik Gabdullin" (2016).

• Kurmet diplomats of the University oku-tarbie үrdіsіn zhetіldruge, zhogary bіlіktі agrarlyk sala mamandaryn dayyndauғa қosқan қomaқty үlesі men adal enbegi үshіn laәpatіta oluyta oluyna 60 maryzhaska 60


Certificate of participation in the training seminar "Using the functionality of AIS Platonus in distance learning", 2016

Certificate of professional development "IP-telephony in computer networks",

National Open University INTUIT, Moscow, 2017

Certificate of professional development "Familiarization with systems and services for the operation of engineering systems and maintenance of instrumentation" from 01/04/2019-04/12/2019 Astana, LLP "Аllem Engineering company" 12.04.2019

Certificate of professional development "Wireless Wi-Fi networks" Moscow KNOW INTUIT 72 hours 18.04.2021

Certificate of professional development "Methods of organizing digitalization and informatization of education" Abakan, LLC "Institute for the Development of Education for Advanced Studies and Retraining" from 01/21/2020 to 02/05/2020 72 hours


1 "Dependence of the minimum of the transmission spectrum of inclined fiber Bragg gratings on temperature" of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation / MSRC PGAU. - Penza: RIO PGAU, 2021. - 218 p. Kusainova K.T., Khamzina B.E.,Nauryz K.Zh., Imanmadirov D.K., Kabibulatov A.A.

Author of more than 45 scientific and scientific-methodical works, including 2 textbooks

2 Corporate clients multiservice switching ortalygyn jobalau seems to be

tіlіgі men multiservice kolzhetkіzіm zhabdyқtaryna sholu. International Scientific and Theoretical Conference "Seifullin Readings - 17: "Modern Agrarian Science: Digital Transformation Nur-Sultan, 2021 Kusainova K.T., Abilkhan A.

3 Influence of temperature change on the spectral characteristic of Bragg gratings Proceedings of the International Scientific and Theoretical Conference "Seifullin Readings - 17: "Modern Agrarian Science: Digital Transformation" - 2021 Kusainova K.T., Khamzina B.E., Kabibulatov A.

4 "Investigation of the dependence of the minimum of the transmission spectrum on the temperature of inclined fiber Bragg gratings" II All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation. Technique and technology of modern productions. - 2021 Kusainova K.T., Nauryz K.Sh., Khamzina B.E., Zhetpisbayeva A.T., Imanmadirov

5. Telecommunications zhelіler ushin m2m technology. Scientific journal Vestnik Toraigyrov of Pavlodar University No. 1. 2021, P.80-86

6. Article "Application of fiber Bragg gratings" International Journal of Applied and Basic Research. - 2021 Kusainova K.T., Khamzina B.E., Zhetpisbayeva A.T., Imanmadirov D.

7 Modeling the Method for Determining the Stimulated Brillouin Scattering Threshold in a Single-Mode Optical FiberEastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologiesthis link is disabled, 2022, 1(5-115), стр. 6–13 Zhumazhanov B.,  Zhetpisbayeva A.,  Zhetpisbayev К., Kussainova К., Uristimbek G.