Main / Faculties and Departments / Shontaev Dzhamanbay Salykovich
Shontaev Dzhamanbay Salykovich

Shontaev Dzhamanbay Salykovich


Candidate of  Technical Sciences, Senior lecturer

of the Department “Transport engineering and Technologies”

Office 4308, phone number+7(7172)39-73-09



Sphere of scientific Interests

Improving the technology of development workings.

Delivered disciplines

Power generating equipment of transport,automated control systems for transport.

Masters and doctoral students working under leadership

Eskendyr S.G., NurpeisovaS.T., Batyrbek G.B.


1971-1976 Karaganda Polytechnical  Institute (KarPTI)

Work Experience

  1. 1976-1977 Engineer KNIUI.
  2. 1977-2011 Assistant, junior researcher, senior researcher, supervisor of  two research project, assistant, senior lecturer of KSTU.
  3. 2011-2015 Head of the Department RMPI EITI named of K.I.Satbayev .
  4. 2015-2017 Senior Lecturer Department of Geology, KSTU.
  5. Since 2017 Senior Lecturer of the Department “Transport Engineering and Technology” S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University.

Advanced training courses

    2015 The course of the training seminar on engineering pedagogy of KSTU, Karaganda.

Published works

Author of more than 50 scientific and educational works.The most important for a submission:

  1. ШонтаевД. С., Шонтаев А.Д., Мухажанова Ж. Т. Геологиядағы кешені ғарыштық ақпараттың сараптамасы және өңдеуі// Оқу құралы, Қарағанды, 2016.С.128.
  2. Шонтаев Д.С., Искаков Ж.Ж. Моделирование Генезис месторождений марганца Жездинского типа// Научный журнал «Молодой ученный», №8 (112), Апрель, 2016.С.3.
  3. Шонтаев Д.С., Абдибек Ж.М., Шонтаев А.Д. Факторы, определяющие эффективность буровзрывных работ// Международная научно-практическая конференция «Интеграция науки, образования и производства – основа реализации Плана нации», Сагиновские чтения №9, 22-23 июня 2017 года, часть 3, Қарағанды, 2017. С.180-184.