Main / News / The Endowment Qazaqstan Halqyna Foundation announces a scholarship competition
The Endowment Qazaqstan Halqyna Foundation announces a scholarship competition

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On July 10, 2024, the list of universities and the number of scholarships of the Endowment Qazaqstan Halqyna Foundation was approved.

8 grants were allocated for the Saken Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University.


The following categories of applicants can participate:

1. from low-income families in rural areas, small and single industry towns

2. orphans or children left without parental care until adulthood

3. with disabilities

4. from families raising disabled children;

5. Children of Kazakhstan citizens who died during the tragic events of January 2022;

6. Children injured during the tragic events of January 2022.


The maximum age for participation in the Program is 29 years inclusive.

The grant is personal and non-transferable and is provided once. A person with higher education, as well as a person who has been awarded a state educational grant to pay for higher education with the award of a bachelor's degree at the expense of the republican or local budget, is not allowed to receive the scholarship.


Procedure and condition:

The list of candidates for the scholarship is formed by the university among applicants who have passed the Unified National Testing (UNT) in the current calendar year and scored the required passing score for admission to university (including creative exams), is drawn up as a protocol of the meeting of the University competition committee with the following documents attached:

1. application according to the sample;

2. letter of consent from the applicant for the scholarship award according to the sample;

3. documents confirming the candidate's belonging to the category of participant;

4. a copy of the order on the organizing the university competition committee.



• Applications submission - August 1–17;

• Submission to the Fund of decisions of the University competition committees and all supporting documents - before August 22;

• Meeting of the Fund's Board on the issue of awarding a scholarship - September 6;

• Posting a list of scholarship recipients on the Fund's website - before September 11;

• Conclusion of contracts - September-November;

• Payment of educational grants and scholarships - September-November.



Required documents:

1. For everyone - a copy of the applicant's UNT results;

2. Low-income students from rural areas, small and single-industry towns:

• an original or a notary or university certified certificate of the recipient of targeted social assistance, or a certificate from the local government body on the status of a low-income family

• certificate of general secondary education

3. Orphans or children left without parental care before reaching the age of majority:

• Notarized or University approved:

- a copy of the death certificate of both or the only parent or other documents confirming the absence of parents

- a copy of the agreement on the transfer of the child to foster care.

4. Persons with disabilities - a certificate of disability of the candidate certified by a notary or University, valid for the current year.

5. Persons from families raising disabled children:

• Notarized or University approved:

- a copy of the birth certificate of the candidate and a copy of the birth certificate of a child with a disability

- a copy of the certificate of disability of children.

If necessary, the Fund has the right to request additional documents from the University or from candidates directly.

Telephone for inquiries: 8 (717) 2-62-14-07

