Main / News / KATRU, UNDP, FAO, and the British Embassy host: "Kazakhstan Student Dialogue: Nurturing SDG Solutions"
KATRU, UNDP, FAO, and the British Embassy host: "Kazakhstan Student Dialogue: Nurturing SDG Solutions"

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Young students of the Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University (KATRU) surprised hundreds of guests with their creativity, energy, and teamwork when the students shared the results of their outstanding research at a unique event entitled:

         "Kazakhstan Student Dialogue: Nurturing SDG Solutions" held at KATRU on Tuesday, 28 November.

The British Ambassador to Kazakhstan, Kathy Leach, and the Ambassador of Portugal to Kazakhstan, Maria de Fatima Mendes, were among the audience along with officials from the UNDP, FAO, EBRD, Ministry of Ecology, SDSN Kazakhstan, and other national and regional organizations.

Representatives of different NGOs, climate experts, and hundreds of students, researchers and families attended the event and observed students’ works.  

Student teams named ‘Food Fighters’, ‘Guardians of the Nature’ and ‘Ecosystem Renaissance” consisting of seven members each worked on three questions for one month under the mentorship of the British Ambassador Kathy Leach, UNDP senior official Akmaral Agazhayeva and the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) specialist, Samat Kairbekov. Each team was given a question.

The team ‘Food Fighters’ addressed the question: “How can Kazakhstan strike a balance between increasing agricultural productivity and preserving its unique biodiversity and ecosystems, aligning with SDG 15 (Life on Land) and SDG 2 (Zero Hunger)? 

The team ‘Ecosystem Renaissance’ research question prepared by Ambassador Leach was” “How can planning new urban and built environment support Kazakhstan in a just transition to sustainable and low-carbon energy systems?” 

UNDP mentors prepared the question for the team, ‘Guardian of the Nature’ and it was: “How does climate change affect biodiversity, forests, and ecosystems loss in Kazakhstan? Review options for nature-based solutions in Kazakhstan to combat effects of climate change?”

The three teams shared their research findings and conclusions about the various effects of climate change on the economy and society. They presented the results of their fundamental research in the field in the form of statistical data and infographics. 

‘Food Fighters’, ‘Guardians of Nature’, and ‘Ecosystem Renaissance” used engaging creative videos and innovative role plays and amazing to present their work.

At the end of the presentations and performances, the audience voted for the best student presentation and performance. According to the results, the team, ‘Food Fighters’ stood first, ‘Ecosystem Renaissance’ came second, and ‘Guardians of Nature’ stood third position.