Main / News / The Quality Committee informs about the decision of the IAAR on accreditation of KATRU educational programmes
The Quality Committee informs about the decision of the IAAR on accreditation of KATRU educational programmes

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KATRU Quality Committee informs that the Independent Accreditation and Rating Agency (IAAR) made a decision on the results of the Accreditation Council meeting held on 20 December 2024 (Minutes No. 90). The meeting considered the recommendations of the External Expert Commission aimed at improving the quality of educational programmes.

As a result, 44 educational programmes of KATRU were accredited for a period of 5 years, and 2 educational programmes were accredited for a period of 7 years. Reports of the External Expert Commission on Specialized Accreditation, which reflect full expert evaluations of educational programmes for compliance with international standards of the NAAR, were also sent.

We congratulate the whole staff of KATRU on the successful passing of international accreditation! This is an important step towards further improvement of the quality of education at the university.

We wish KATRU new successes, creative achievements and prosperity in 2025!