Main / News / The winter examination session has begun at KATRU
The winter examination session has begun at KATRU

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Today, on December 17, 2024, the winter examination session began at S. Seifullin Kazakh Agro-Technical Research University for all three levels of education, in accordance with the academic schedule for the 2024–2025 academic year. The session will continue until the 27th of this month. A total of 3,701 subjects are being examined, including 2,378 test-based assessments and 1,323 written and oral examinations. To conduct the state examination on the History of Kazakhstan, 4 special committees have been established. Those responsible for overseeing the session, including faculty deans, department heads, and supervising lecturers, will ensure the examinations proceed in full compliance with all requirements.


Dear students, the university staff wishes you success during this crucial period, encouraging you to demonstrate your knowledge and pass your exams. Best of luck to everyone!