Main / News / The training seminar as part of the week of science dedicated to the 130th anniversary of Saken Seifullin
The training seminar as part of the week of science dedicated to the 130th anniversary of Saken Seifullin

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According to the plan of the department, within the framework of the week of science dedicated to the 130th anniversary of Saken Seifullin on the basis of Seifullin KATRU on April 16, 2023 under the guidance of Ph.D. Associate Professor Esekeshova M.D., 2nd year master's student of the Faculty of Computer Systems and Professional Education, Professional training department Bota Juaskhan conducted a training seminar on the topic “Inclusive education is a world requirement” in order to introduce the modern effective teaching methods and conditions for inclusive education.

The moderator of the training seminar was candidate of pedagogic sciences, associate professor M. Esekeshova. The event was attended by the chairman of the faculty council on academic quality J. Suleymenova, deputy dean for educational affairs A. Musataeva, teachers, bachelors, doctoral students, and master's students.

Master's student B. Juaskhan introduced various types of technologies and tools in working with children and parents to resolve difficult situations in the family and educational institutions in inclusive education and upbringing. As a result of the training seminar, students discussed and shared their opinions on the features of inclusive education and upbringing.

At the training, slides and videos on the topics of the seminar were demonstrated, confidential communication was established with the students, examples were given, specific answers were given to all students’ questions, and they were taught to critically evaluate what was said during the discussion. The training seminar was held at a high level, productive and interesting.