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Mitrofanova Elena Anatolievna

Mitrofanova Elena Anatolievna


Educational master and part-time assistant of the department

"Technological machines and equipment"

Cabinet 4508


Sphere of scientific interests

Metallurgy of non-ferrous and rare metals, materials science, mechanical engineering 

Disciplines read

Analysis of failures and repair of machines, Designing a technical service enterprise, Testing agricultural equipment, TSHM.


1999-2004 гг. 

Akmola Agrarian University named after S. Seifullin, agronomic faculty, specialty “Mechanization of agriculture. production ", qualification mechanical engineer 


Since 1996 by present time

Akmola Agrarian University named after S. Seifullin, agronomic faculty, specialty “Mechanization of agriculture. production ", qualification mechanical engineer


Since 2011


Part-time job 0.5 rate assistant of the department "Technological machines and equipment" KazATU named after S. Seifullina


  • from April 10 to 19, 2017, special courses "Record Keeping"
  • 10. 2018 по 22.04. 2019 г Курсы повышения педагогического мастерства преподавателей "Инновации в образовательном процессе высшей школы"
  • 26.04 - 27.04.2018 - Passed an internship at the German Agricultural Center (German Agrarian Center, Chaglinka village, Zerendinsky district, Akmola region). "Operation and maintenance of modern tractors"·       
  • 24.04 - 28.04. 2019 - Completed an internship at the German Agricultural Center (German Agrarian Center, Chaglinka village, Zerendinsky district, Akmola region). "Efficient operation of modern combines"·       
  • September 27, 2019 Softline Training Center of the event "Solidworks day" (with the issuance of a certificate)·     
  • 15.10 to 26.10 2018 Festo Didactic AUT211 training on the topic "Basics of mechatronics. Basic level"·       
  • 9.10 to 12.10.2018 Festo Didactic AUT211 training on "Modern industrial electro-pneumatics" 


  1. Grishin A.N. Svechnikov P.G., Makenov M.K., Mukasheva N.A., Mitrofanova E.A. Restoration of surfaces of parts by flame spraying with metal powders // Proceedings of the International Scientific and Technical Conference "Technical Sciences - to the agro-industrial complex of Russia". FGBOUVO South Ural State Agrarian University, Chelyabinsk, 2017.2.     L. A. Babchenko, N. A. Mukasheva, B. M. Smailova, E. A. Mitrofanova "Repair of technological machines" - Nur-Sultan, 2019