The purpose of the SSC: fast and high-quality provision of services of the educational process on the principle of "one window" for the student.
Principles of the activities of the SSC: student orientation; standardization of services; objectivity in resolving issues; confidentiality of information received
The main objectives of the SSC:
- Centralization of registration of personal files of students;
- proper storage of students' personal files;
- personal and statistical accounting of all categories of students according to established forms;
- registration and storage of orders for students;
- providing services to students;
- issuance of strict reporting documents;
- registration and deregistration.
The main functions of the SSC:
- Maintaining personal files of students at all levels of education.
- Acceptance of applications from students at all levels of education:
- application for granting / withdrawal from academic leave;
- an application for transfer to another university, from one form of training to another, from one specialty to another, from one language of instruction to another;
- application for restoration to the university;
- application for deduction;
- application for a change of surname (name, patronymic);
- an application for a second course of study;
- an application for monthly payment for certain categories of persons;
- application for a refund;
- application for the Presidential scholarship;
- application for academic mobility.
- Registration and issuance at all levels of education:
- An agreement / supplementary agreement for the provision of educational services for newly arrived or restored students;
- certificates to students for SOBES, banks, financial centers and other institutions;
- transcripts;
- strict reporting documents (certificates, diplomas, duplicate diplomas);
- attachments to diplomas;
- copies of documents available in the student’s personal file.
- Training at all levels of education:
- an order for the movement of students;
- an order for food for orphans at the beginning of the school year;
- an order for calculating compensation for preferential travel;
- an order for the Presidential scholarship;
- an order for the released educational grants following the results of summer and winter examination sessions;
- an order for academic mobility.
- letters of inquiry of personal files of students;
- documents for students to participate in the competition for vacant seats on a grant and timely submission of documents to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- monthly reporting on the personnel of students for submission to the relevant departments;
- annual statistical report 3-NK, 1-K;
- annual report on the movement of strict reporting forms;
- a monthly report on the movement of the contingent of students enrolled in a state educational grant.
- Presentation:
- to the Academic Council of the University documents of students participating in the competition for vacant educational grants;
- documents of students participating in the competition for the Presidential scholarship to the Academic Council of the University;
- applications for strict reporting forms (diplomas and academic certificates) in the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
- Work in the university automated systems:
- entering and registration of orders on the movement of students;
- entering data into the personal files of students;
- listing of diploma supplements;
- the formation of various reports on the contingent of students.
- Military registration:
- military registration;
- deregistration;
- issuance of the certificate “Appendix No. 3”;
- Submission of a report to the Department of Defense and to the 2nd Division.