A mentor is an experienced professional, a source of knowledge and answers in various fields. Mentoring helps you grow in your career, build strong relationships with others.
Dear graduates, the table contains information about mentors in the graduating departments of the university
Faculty |
Department |
Full name |
Veterinary and animal husbandry technology |
Microbiology and Biotechnology |
Jamburshina D. |
dana.dzhamburshina@mail.ru |
Veterinary medicine |
Omarov К. Zh. |
kakim.omarov14@mail.ru |
Veterinary sanitation |
Murzakayeva G.K. |
m.gumika@list.ru |
Technology of production and processing of livestock products |
Senkebayeva D.T. |
dilor1986@mail.ru |
Land administration, architecture and design |
land management |
Kenzheguzinova D.K. |
k.dikairatovna@gmail.com |
Architecture and design |
Kartabaeyva Gulzat |
guzika_1986@inbox.r |
Geodesy and cartography |
Mukusheva L. |
l_mukusheva@inbox.ru |
Cadastre |
Aisagaliyva Zh.E. |
sekenova_01@mail.ru |
Technical |
Technological machines and equipment |
Berdimuratova D.I. |
didar.b.93_9393@mail.ru |
Standardization, metrology and certification |
Gulyarenko А.А. |
2703877@mail.ru |
Technology of food and processing industries |
Dyussembayev D.K. |
dastan.kz-90@mail.ru |
Тransport equipment and technologies |
Baiguzhina G.N. |
gul_8989@mail.ru |
Agricultural machinery and technology |
Issenov K.G. |
Isenov-kz@mail.ru |
Computer systems and vocational education |
Computer science |
Toleuova S. |
toleuova1972@mail.ru |
Information Systems |
Yessenbayeva G.R |
Banuka_96.21@mail.ru |
Agronomic |
Agriculture and crop production |
Zhanbyrshina N. Z. |
nur767676@mail.ru |
Soil science and agrochemistry |
Kashkarov A.A. |
kashkarov.70@mail.ru |
Plant protection and quarantine |
Abysheva G.T. |
gauhartas70@mail.ru |
Economic |
Economy |
Beisembayeva A. |
_ a_s_em_o_k@mail.ru u |
Accounting and Auditing |
Kulekeshova A. |
a.kulekeshova@kazatu.kz |
Finance |
Janimkhan I. |
indra.janimkhan@bk.ru |
Management and marketing |
Khapova A. |
khapova84@mail.ru |
Energy |
Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications |
Nauryz K.Zh. |
naurizastana@mail.ru |
Operation of electrical equipment |
Kasyanova T.N. |
kasyanova71@mail.ru |
Power supply |
Sedelnikova Y.A. |
sedellnikova@yandex.com |
Thermal power engineering |
Koksegen S. |
koksegen.saule@mail.ru |
Forestry, wildlife and environment |
Forest resources and forestry |
Abzhanov T.S. |
abzh_777@mail.ru |
Ecology |
Botabekova G. |
bota81@mail.ru |
Hunting and fisheries |
Akhmetzhanova N. |
nurikhan1967@mail.ru |
Почетный профессор Казахского национального аграрного университета. Карьера. 1979 г. — Кайрат Айтуганов начал работать оператором цеха перевозки Кокчетавского почтамта. 1984-1985 гг. — ассистент кафедры почвоведения Целиноградского сельхозинститута. 1987-1989 гг. — агроном, старший агроном, главный экономист совхоза Карабулакский Зерендинского р-йона Кокчетавской обл.