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Student science

RESULTS OF THE REPUBLICAN COMPETITION research works of students for 2023-2024 on specialties of the base University NAO «S. Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University»

Results of the 1st stage of the Republican Research and Development Contest 2024

Republican SRWS competition in 2023 1st stage results

Acceptance of competitive works for the 2nd stage of the Republican competition of research works of students on specialties Architecture, Biotechnology, Technological machines and equipment

Research work of students

Recommendations for the arrangement and conducting of the annual competition on the research works of the Republic of Kazakhstan’s higher educational institution students on natural, technical, socio-humanitarian and economic sciences

The RESULTS OF the REPUBLICAN CONTEST of students research works for 2022-2023 at the basic university of the NJSC «Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University named after S. Seifullin»