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Internal Quality Assurance System

Quality assurance of specialists training is the basis of the state educational policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, aimed at improving the quality of education, defining criteria, norms and standards of quality, improving the level of knowledge and competencies of students, scientific and educational and methodological support of the educational process, improving the material and technical, social and information infrastructure of the university, improving the mechanisms and tools of higher education institution management.

Our university since 2005 has switched to international standards, implemented and certified the quality management system for compliance with MS ISO 9001-2015. The quality management system has fulfilled its role in systematizing more than 300 internal regulatory documents, documenting all procedures of the university, bringing them in line with the requirements of ISO standards, streamlining internal audits of the activities of faculties and departments, structural units.

Signing of the Bologna Declaration by the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2010, integration of higher education of the country into the international educational space, wide introduction of European standards and guidelines for quality assurance, independent accreditation required their introduction into the practice of quality management.

In the Model Rules of Activity of Higher and Postgraduate Education Organizations, in the wording of the Order of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education No. 23 of January 20, 2023, in paragraph 34. approved: "In order to improve the quality of educational activities, HEI creates and ensures compliance with the system of internal quality assurance based on international standards and guidelines for quality assurance of higher and postgraduate education in the European Higher Education Area (ESG-isidi), which includes:

     1) Policy for quality assurance;

     2) Design and approval of  programmes;

     3) Student-centred  learning, teaching and assessment;

     4) Student  admission, progression, recognition and certification;

     5) Teaching staff;

     6) Learning resources and  student  support system;

     7) Iformation management;

     8) Public information;

     9) Continuous  monitoring and periodic  program  evaluation;

     10) Cyclical external quality assurance.

In full compliance with this order in NCJSC "Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University named after S. Seifullin" since 2018, the transition from QMS to the Internal Quality Assurance System (hereinafter, IQAS) has begun. Since 2021, the Regulations on the Internal Quality Assurance System based on European standards and ESG guidelines are in force, the Academic Council on Quality has been established and is functioning, Academic Quality Councils, including teachers and staff, representatives of employers and students, are functioning at each faculty. At the level of the University, the Quality Committee has been established and is functioning.

In 2022, the Quality Committee has developed and is implementing the Manual on Internal Quality System, which describes in detail the 10 standards of IQAS, identifies the criteria for assessing IQAS for each standard, specifies external and internal regulatory documents, and  includes guidelines on how to assess a particular criterion when auditing  IQAS.

Taking into account that KATRU has received the status of a research university, the 11 th standard "Research Activities" is included in the Internal Quality Assurance System.

The Quality Committee has developed the Program of  internal audits of  IQAS at faculties and departments, Methodological Instruction for IQAS auditors, schedule of audits.

Contacts of the Quality Committee

The Quality Committee

Pobedy Avenue 62

Main building, Office #1204

Phone: 8 (7172) 39-59-07


Quality Assurance Policy
2 Parts of the Internal Quality Assurance System Manual
Learner questionnare
Teacher questionnare
Extract from the Academic Council