Main / University / Student life / Department of Youth Policy
Department of Youth Policy

Psychological center

Help from a theologian

Student clubs

- Stop corruption!

- We are multinational

The composition of the department

The head of the dance group

Shamshiev Almat Sherdarevich


Information on the events of the Department of Youth Policy

2023-2024 academic year

Secretaries of the Amanat party have been appointed at the university 21.12.2023

KATIU students won the GRAND PRIX in the creative festival “JASTAR JALYNY-2023” 05-10.2023

A youth forum took place “Zhana Kazakhstan zhastary: bilim, gylym, parasattylyk” 08.12.2023

Republican action against violence 05.12.2023

Results of the interfaculty essay competition “Youth and threats in society.” 20.11-01.12.2023

A famous imam and blogger discussed modern religious issues with KazATIU students

Work is happiness! 30.11.2023

Parting words to KazATIU students from the older generation 24.11.2023

Within the framework of the project “Urpaktar sabaktastygy” Meeting "ATA-ANA ULAGATY-URPAKKA AMANATA" 23.11.2023

The final of the Astana KVN city league 23.11.2023

A memorandum was signed with the NGO "Republican Student Movement "Alliance of Students of Kazakhstan" 01.11.2023

Brain-ring "Culture of personality: honesty and integrity" took place 31.10.2023

KVN games were held in KATI 26.10.2023

KazATIU Compliance Service with the Anti-Corruption Agency form an anti-corruption culture

Meeting with the Student Ombudsman 20.10.2023

Football was held for the cup of the party "AMANAT" 20.10.2023

On the same wave with the youth 12.10.2023

Chairman of the Board - Rector K. M. Tireuov met with active youth of the University 10.10.2023

The meeting "Scouts of the Great Steppe" 06.10.2023

Concert in honor of the Day of the Elderly 04.10.2023

The results of the festival "New Wave -2023" 03-04.10.2023

The project "Anti-Corruption volunteering"

Historical and educational meeting "National values and worldview" 29.09.2023

The festive concert "Karttarym-asyl kaznam" 27.09.2023

Opening of the concert season of creative teams of the Department for Cultural and Educational Work 27.09.2023

Тhe code of honor of students and explanatory work on internal regulations 04-25.09.2023

Sponsors awarded educational grants 19.09.2023

A student creative fair was held at the university 15.09.2023

Police explain to students how to counteract cybercrime 15.09.2023

Anti-corruption culture is instilled from a young age 01-15.09.2023

KazATIU supports the initiatives of the Message 08.09.2023

Student's Code of Honor 04.09.2023

2021-2022 academic year

A contest of creative works of students dedicated to the 65th anniversary of KazATU was held 13.06.2022

Video contest "My university is 65 years old" 10.06.2022

Nauryz Competition 18-20.03.2022

A meeting was held with the Vice-President of the "Federation of American Football in Kazakhstan" A. Kravchenko 01.03.2022