Main / For applicants / Postgraduate education
Postgraduate education

Rules for admission to universities for postgraduate education

Rules for awarding state grants


The schedule of the interview of applicants entering the PhD doctoral program for the groups of educational programs of S. Seifullin KazATU. (winter reception)
Regulations on the admissions committee
Social support for undergraduates and doctoral students
Rules for admission to study at NJSC " S. Seifullin KazATU " for educational programs of postgraduate education
List of prerequisites for PhD educational programs for the 2022-2023 academic year
List of prerequisites for Master's degree programs for the 2022-2023 academic year
Tuition for master's and doctoral studies
Questions and answers on admission to postgraduate education
University life
Double Degree Education
Scientific internships and study abroad
Groups of educational programs (specialties) of magistracy and doctoral studies
Our faculties
Our achievements