Tireuov Kanat Maratovich was born in 1972 on the station Khantau Moynkumsky District of Zhambyl region.
In 1994, he graduated from the Faculty of mechanics and applied mathematics of the Kazakh state National University named after Al-Farabi.
In 2005, he received the second highest education in the Kazakh National Agrarian University on the specialty “Economics”.
In 2006, he defended the candidate’s dissertation on the topic “Efficiency of agricultural production (materials for agricultural enterprises)”, in 2009 – the doctoral dissertation on the topic “Development of corporate management in the agricultural sector of Kazakhstan”.
01 June 2017 the Presidium of NAS of the Republic of Kazakhstan elected as academician of NAS of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Experience work:
1994-1996 - assistant of the Department of “Computer Science and engineering” of the Kazakh Agricultural Institute;
1996-1998 - deputy director of the information and communication center of KazAI;
1998-2000 - director of the information and communication center of KazAI;
2000-2006 - senior teacher of the Department of “Information Systems” of the Kazakh National Agrarian University;
2006-2008 - deputy dean of the Faculty of Economics and finance of the Kazakh National Agrarian University;
2008 - 2009 - dean of the Faculty of Economics and finance of the Kazakh National Agrarian University.
2009 - 2011 - pro-rector for educational and methodical work of the Kazakh National Agrarian University;
2011 - 2022 - First Vice-Rector of the Kazakh National Agrarian Research University.
Since November 2, 2022 the Chairman of the Board of the «Kazakh Agrotechnical University named S.Seifullin».
Tireuov K. M. takes an active part in the work of the University and its students, controls the quality of educational and educational processes and objectivity of the results of educational training. It is aimed at improving the material and technical base of the University, integrating science, education and practice. With his participation, the concept of quality assurance system is being developed, post-Soviet education is being developed, priority directions of the university development are being determined.
Under his leadership, 15 dissertations were protected, including 5 PhD doctoral, 10 master’s.
More than 300 scientific works have been published, including 8 Academic Papers (2 with the letter of the Republic of Kazakhstan), 4 monographs, as well as 20 educational and methodological recommendations, which are applied in the educational process of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the agricultural profile.
Certificate of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan: “Problems of introduction of credit teaching technologies in higher education institutions”, “Academic mobility in the Bologna Process”, “Improving credit learning technologies at the present stage: training, adaptation to the individual and increasing the role of students in the educational process”, Project managers Union ANSIPMIPMBOK, the Presidential Initiative of interactive education, the Observatory of the Great Charter of universities: “Development of single credit technology for the type of European credit transfer system (ECTS) in the Republic of Kazakhstan”, “Tamos Business Learning”, “Icet”, “National Accreditation Center”, “Kazakhstan quality organization”, “National Center for scientific and technical information”.
He has completed extensive training and has a certificate of “Internal university quality” (Poland), “CAMPUS” (France), “Technology Transfer and Innovation 2012” (Prague, Czech Republic), “Asian educational training workshop on strategic management in higher education international trends and practices” (2014, Singapore, Hong Kong), “Innovative teaching and Learning Strategies” (USA, 2015)
“AMANAT” PDP is actively involved in the public and political life of the state.
He has the Letters of Thanks of the president of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Akimat of Almaty.
He is a holder of “The best teacher of the University” “(2010) state grant”.
Awarded with the honorary title “honorary worker of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (2011), the Jubilee Medal “20 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (2011), the silver medal named after A. Baitursynov (2012), the label pin “Ayryksha enbegi ushin” (2011), the label pin of the agricultural sector “Auyl sharuashylygy salasynyn uzdigi” (2015), Golden Medal named after A. Baitursynov (2015), order “Kurmet” 8of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2016).
In 1994 she graduated with honors from Zhezkazgan Pedagogical Institute with a degree “Teacher of the Kazakh language and literature”.
In 1994-2007 she worked as a lecturer of Kazakh Language Department of O. A. Baikonurov Zhezkazgan University.
In 2002 she defended her Candidates dissertation.
Since 2007 she has been working at S. Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University as a lecturer of the Kazakh and Russian Languages Department of the Humanities Faculty.
In 2011 she defended her Doctoral dissertation.
In 2011 - 2012 she is the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities.
Since 2012 she is the Deputy Chairman of the Board for Educational Work
Since 2007 she has been working at the Kazakh Agro Technical University named after S.Seifullin.
In 2011 under the guidance of Professor Zh.A Zhakupov she defended doctor's degree “Қазақ тілі синтаксисіндегі модальділік мәселесі” (Modality problems in syntax of the Kazakh language).
From November 2011 to February 28, 2012 she worked as Dean of the Humanities Department.
Bulhairova Zhanna Serikovna
Sustainable development, human capital management in agriculture, social entrepreneurship, food security.
-Doctor PhD, Management specialty, S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University, Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan, 2013-2016 yy.
-Master’s degree, Economy specialty, L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astana, Kazakhstan 2007-2009 yy.
-Bachelor, Finance specialty, L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astana, Kazakhstan, 2003- 2007 yy.
- since September 2023 year to Present– Director of Research and Innovation Department, S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University, Astana, Kazakhstan;
- December 2021 year- National Expert on Digitalization of Agricultural Policy and Programs, FAO Partnership and Liaison Office in the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- since 2017 year to Present - associate Professor of Economics Faculty, S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University, Astana, Kazakhstan;
- 2009 - 2017 yy.- teacher of Finance, Economic Theory and Law Faculty, Management Faculty, S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University, Astana, Kazakhstan;
- January 2009 - September 2009 yy. - teacher of Economic disciplines, JSC "Financial Academy", Astana, Kazakhstan;
- 2007-2009 yy. - teacher of Financial disciplines, Modern humanitarian college, Astana, Kazakhstan.
- 2020 year – to present day - chairman of the Young Scientists Council (university), S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University, Astana, Kazakhstan
- 2018 – 2020 yy. - chairman of Young Scientists Council (Economics Department), S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University, Astana, Kazakhstan
- 2018-2020 yy. - chairman of Scientific Students’ Circle: "Successful Manager", S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University, Astana, Kazakhstan
- 2018-2019 yy.- Adviser of undergraduates (Doctor PhD) on Management specialty, S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University, Astana, Kazakhstan
- 2017-2018 yy. - Adviser of undergraduates (master students) on Management specialty, S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University, Astana, Kazakhstan
- member of the Young Scientists Council, The Nursultan Nazarbayev Foundation
- member of Young Research Alliance
- chairman of Young Scientists Council, S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University
Governmental Projects of The Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
- research associate of grant project «Research of the impact of climate change on the economic efficiency of leguminous crops in farms», 2022-2024
- research associate of grant project «Methodology of analysis and optimization of the socio-economic model in the rural district (based on the materials of Northern Kazakhstan)», 2021 – 2022;
- research associate of grant project "Development of model of effective functioning of private farms on the example of poultry meat production", 2020 – 2022;
- research associate of grant "System assessment of the impact of qualitative characteristics of human capital on business performance and optimization of policies for training and retraining of professional staff", 2018-2020;
- research associate of grant project "Development of recommendations on creation of the conditions necessary to attract highly qualified specialists in agriculture of Kazakhstan (on the materials of Akmola region)", 2015-2016.
Work experience:
- March 2019 year - developer of tests on "Management" discipline for applicants to the master's program, Testing center, Astana, Kazakhstan;
- April 2018 year- exporter of tests on "Economic theory" discipline (in English language) for applicants to the master's program in the profile direction, Testing center, Astana, Kazakhstan;
- Was an expert in TV program - "Agrosector" on "Khabar24" channel: on theme "Human capital in agriculture" (December 5, 2017); "Level of agriculture development in Kazakhstan» (December 26);
-III Congress of Young Scientists, Sirius Science and Art Park, Sochi, Russia, November 28-30, 2023;
- course “Digital Skills: Digital Marketing”, Future Learn, August, 2023;
- course “Advanced research methodology workshop”, American Councils, UniCEN, Central Asia University Partnerships Program, June 9-10, 2023, Almaty, Kazakhstan;
- course "Development of high-level human resources in industry through Japanese-style engineering education", Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), December, 2021;
- course “Entrepreneurship: From Business Idea to Action”, King's college London, Future Learn, May, 2021;
-IELTS 6,0, August 2020, Kazakhstan;
- course “Introduction to business management”, King's college London, Future Learn, 2020;
- Certificate of II International Forum "Dialogue of young scientists: science talk", June 10, 2020, Kazakhstan;
- Certificate of participant in the III forum of young scientists "BURABAY FORUM: international cooperation of Kazakhstan», August, 2019, Kazakhstan;
- Participant of the Summer interdisciplinary school for young Kazakhstani scientists "SCIENCE SCHOOL KASKASU-2019», June, 2019, Kazakhstan;
- course “Forming skills of effective learning in the XXI century: the experience of innovative educational technologies”, 27.10.2017-05.11.2017, Kazakhstan;
- course "Methology of scientific research", Pr.Stanko Georgiev Delicostadinov, 3 Nov-7 Nov 2014, Agricultural University of Plovdiv, Plovdiv, Bulgaria;
- course "Agribusiness management", Pr. Michael Sykuta (University of Missouri, USA), 3 Nov-7 Nov 2014, Agricultural University of Plovdiv, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
- Certificate of the accounting theory (№ 00491), the Center of career development «Grant»,10 march – 07 June, 2005, Astana, Kazakhstan
-H-Index 3 SCOPUS, 1 WOS
- more than 90 scientific papers:
Books Authored, Co- Authored and Edited
1) Monograph «Human capital management in agriculture», Zhanna Bulkhairova // LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2017,- ISBN:978-3-330-334938-06,-208 p.
2) Monograph «The impact of foreign investment on the economic security of the country», Zhanna Bulkhairova, G.A.Tulebaeva // LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing,2015,- ISBN:978-3-659-80098-6,-275 p.
3) Monograph «Sustainable development of rural territories in Kazakhstan», Zhanna Bulkhairova// LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing,2013,- ISBN:978-3-659-31698-2,-273 p.
4) Monograph «Social and economic problems of the steady developments of regions Republic Kazakhstan», Bulkhairova Zh.S. and Saparova G.K., Astana 2010
-9 articles in journals indexed in the SCOPUS database; 1 article in an international conference indexed in the SCOPUS database;
- 2 tutorials:
1) Professionally-oriented foreign language. Study guide-Astana, S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University, 2017;
2) Business Organization, Study guide, volume 1. Almaty: "Bastau", 2020. - 320 pages. ISBN 978-601-7991-29-6
Почетный профессор Казахского национального аграрного университета. Карьера. 1979 г. — Кайрат Айтуганов начал работать оператором цеха перевозки Кокчетавского почтамта. 1984-1985 гг. — ассистент кафедры почвоведения Целиноградского сельхозинститута. 1987-1989 гг. — агроном, старший агроном, главный экономист совхоза Карабулакский Зерендинского р-йона Кокчетавской обл.