The academic policy (hereinafter referred to as the Policy) of the University is developed on the basis of the current legislation in the field of education, regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, taking into account the priority tasks and strategy of “S. Seifullin KATU” NCJSC.
The provisions of the Policy may be revised in the event of changes in the regulations governing educational activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Charter of the University and strategy, revision of the requirements of educational programs.
Academic policy is a system of rules and procedures for planning and organizing educational activities aimed at implementing student-centered learning and improving the quality of education.
The academic strategy of the university is aimed at training competitive personnel and developing additional competencies during the period of study, creating integrated educational and research structures, independently defining academic periods, organizing the educational process, forecasting and developing new educational programs at the request of the internal and external labor market.
The goal of academic policy is to provide quality educational services to students through the formation of competitive educational programs and the development of academic mobility.
Academic policy objectives:
The formation of the contingent of students in areas and levels of education in the "S. Seifullin KATU" NCJSC is carried out according to the following principles:
Admission of applicants is carried out in accordance with the Regulations on the selection committee.
The formation of the teaching staff, administrative and managerial personnel and employees in "S. Seifullin KATU" NCJSC is carried out according to the following principles:
The implementation of the principles of personnel policy is carried out in accordance with theRegulations on the rules for the competitive replacement of vacant positions of teaching staff;Regulations on the staffing of thefaculty of the departments;Regulation on the establishment of the faculty allowances; Regulations on the system of material incentives for teaching staff of departments and faculties in nominations;Regulations on the procedure for conducting the internal stage of selection of teaching staff for participation in the competition "The best university teacher"
The development and formation of educational programs of the university in "S. Seifullin KATU" NCJSCshould take place with the participation of all interested participants in the educational process teacher-student-employer and adhere to the following principles:
The implementation of the principles of formation of educational programs is carried out in accordance with the followingregulations:Organization standard for the design and development of educational services; PAAQMS 02.2068 – 2021 Statement of Academic Council; The standard of organization of the structure, content, procedure for the development and approval of the educational and methodological complex of the educational program and the educational and methodological complex of disciplines; Organization standard for preparation, examination and publication of educational and methodological literature;Academic Quality Council Regulation; Regulations on the procedure for developing a plan for the development of EP; Regulation on the methodological council; regulations on the methodological commission of the faculty; Regulations on the activities of the committees for curricula, programs and quality control of students' independent work.
When developing a database of electronic educational resources (EER) of a university, the following requirements and principles must be met:
The implementation of the principles of formation of electronic educational resources is carried out in accordance withRegulations on the organization of the educational process in distance educational technologies at KATU; Regulation on the official information site; Regulation on the Council for Informatization; Regulation on information security policy.
The selection and registration of students for academic disciplines is focused on student-centered education. The formation and construction of an individual learning path is carried out according to the following principles:
The number of students in academic streams, groups, subgroups is formed by a sufficient number of students who have signed up for this discipline and for a given teacher (at least 12-15 people per subgroup, 25-30 people per group, 100-150 people per academic stream);
The enrollment of students for academic disciplines is organized by the student registration and certification department. Methodological and consulting work with students is carried out by advisers. Registration of students is carried out according to the instructions of the Advisor - the academic consultant of the students. Regulations on the mechanism for evaluating student support services, this document refers to the term adviser, etc.
Planning and organization of the educational process in "S. Seifullin KATU" NJSC must meet certain principles:
The educational process at the university within one academic year is carried out using various technologies (traditional full-time, full-time - distance, blended) learning based on the academic calendar, which is approved by the decision of the Academic Council of the University. To provide educational services with the use of various teaching technologies, students and teachers of the university use AIS "Platonus", DLSMOODLe, AIS for checking written works, as well as platforms for conducting online classes ZOOM, CiscoWebex, etc.
At the university, the academic period is defined by a term of 10 weeks. One academic year includes three terms and a summer semester. Each academic period (trimester) ends with an examination session, respectively, each academic discipline is studied in one academic period and ends with a final control (exam). Intermediate certification of students is carried out in the form of passing exams, defense of term papers (projects) and reports on professional practice with obligatory grading and is defined as an examination session. Intermediate certification (examination session) of students is carried out in accordance with the academic calendar, working curriculum and curriculum.
Professional practices, theses (projects), master's / doctoral dissertations (projects) are included in the corresponding modules of the educational program. Moreover, each type of professional practice belongs to different modules. Professional practice is a compulsory type of educational work for a student. It is allowed to conduct professional practice both separately from the academic period and in parallel with the academic period.
The duration of the internship is determined in weeks based on the standard time of the student's work in practice during the week, equal to 30 hours (6 hours a day with a 5-day working week).MI The procedure for organizing and conducting practical training of students; MI QMS 02.2020-2017 The procedure for organizing and conducting practical training of undergraduates for doctoral students; Dual Learning Regulations.
All types of professional practices are managed by teachers of the graduating departments and (or) practical specialists from production and research institutes.
The management of scientific internships, research practices is carried out by teachers who have an academic degree, academic titles and (or) actively engaged in scientific research, and (or) researchers, practitioners who have scientific publications corresponding to the profile of these types of educational activities of the student.
The results of research or experimental research work are formalized by the undergraduate and doctoral student in the form of a report and heard at a meeting of the department at the end of each academic period (trimester).
Every year, at the end of the academic year, the undergraduate / doctoral student undergoes academic certification for the implementation of an individual work plan. The procedure for conducting academic certification of a student is carried out at a meeting of the department.
The volume of each academic discipline is a whole number of academic credits. In this case, the discipline is assessed with a volume of at least 5 academic credits. In some cases, it is allowed to assess the discipline in 3-4 academic credits. 1 academic credit equals 30 hours. 1 academic hour is equal to 50 minutes.
Each academic discipline bears one unique name, with the exception of physical education and languages. The volume of one module includes two or more academic disciplines or in combination of one or more disciplines with other types of academic work.
Lecturers are allowed to be professors, associate professors, senior lecturers who have a scientific degree (Doctor of Science (or) Candidate of Science, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and (or) Doctor in the field, academic titles (associate professor (associate professor), professor), and also with master's degrees in relevant sciences and (or) senior teachers who have at least three years of experience in the position of a teacher or experience of practical work in the profile of at least five years, scientists, honored workers of culture, art, sports, members of creative unions can also be involved or experienced professionals.
Accepted academic credits can be offset only upon passing an exam in an academic discipline for a positive assessment. In the case of passing the exam for the assessment "unsatisfactory", it is allowed to retake, or re-study the discipline.
Organization of the educational process with the use of distance learning technologies, training sessions are conducted on-line and off-line.
On-line training sessions provide for the process of educational interaction in real time: video conferencing (ZOOM, Hangouts, etc.)
Off-line training sessions envisage the process of educational interaction, in which communication between the teacher and the student is carried out asynchronously, that is, through their own platform AIS “PLATONUS”, SDO “MOODLE”, and their internal communication services, chats and forums.
During the academic period, the student daily enters his personal account on the AIS “PLATONUS” platform according to the lesson schedule posted on the university website in the “Distance Learning” section “Class Schedule” to receive educational material, independently performs tasks in the “TASK” module and provides them in accordance with the requirements of teachers. In the learning process, the electronic resources of the university library and available electronic resources (MOOCs, free courses of foreign universities and the webinars offered by them) can be used.
The current control of students' progress is carried out on the AIS platform “PLATONUS” in the modules “TASK” and “Testing” in accordance with the schedule of delivery of the work indicated in the syllabus of the discipline. The teacher's grades are put in the electronic journal of the system. Students using their login and password can view their grades on academic achievements.
When completing tasks for current and final control, students must comply with the code of academic integrity.
Access to training sessions (using the web conference identification number, login and password of the AIS “PLATONUS”) for students with distance learning technology is mandatory and is carried out according to the schedule of classes. Being late and not going to classes conducted on-line is not allowed. The entrance to the lesson is recorded by the teacher and daily monitoring is carried out.
For each discipline on the portal AIS "PLATONUS" in the section "EMC" there are UMKD and Syllabuses, and in the section "Assignment" a task for each topic for execution. Courses in disciplines are posted on the MOODLE SDO portal, which also contain a syllabus, educational material and assignments. Any web browser is enough to use Moodle.
Passage of professional practices using distance learning technology is carried out in the following order:
When organizing the reception of the final attestation of the comprehensive exam of graduation courses using distance technologies, it is carried out according to the schedule of exams in the form of computer testing (module “TESTING” in AIS “PLATONUS”) AIS Platonus Regulation; Regulations on the organization of the educational process in distance educational technologies at S. Seifullin KATU; Regulation on content tests for distance learning; 2017.09.25_Instruction for registration and placement of tests in AIS Platonus; 2018.11.19_Instruction for registration and placement of tests in AIS Platonus; 2020.03.18_Peculiarities of conducting training sessions using DET; 2020.04.03_Algorithm on appeal;
The defense of the graduation work is carried out using the web conference platform, the obligatory connection of the chairman of the commission and all members of the certification commission. Students prepare in advance presentation material and a 7-10 minute report on the topic of the final work. The trainees make a presentation of the report in the form of presentation material, and answer the questions of the members of the commission. QMS 02.2007-2020 Knowledge control and final certification of students; IN IT IS SCHEDULED ZOOM Provisions on checking written works for borrowing;
The main principles of academic honesty of participants in the educational process, which develop their personal honesty and responsibility for the process of interaction during training, are:
Internal quality assurance policy is implemented through the link between research, teaching and learning. It involves the participation of all departments of the university and equal responsibility for quality assurance, respect and attention to different groups of students and their needs, the provision of flexible learning paths and regular feedback on the methods and methods of teaching.
Quality assurance procedures for assessing learners' knowledge should consider the following:
The Code of Academic Integrity of the Participants of the Educational Process; Regulation on the system of internal quality assurance of education in NJSC KATU named after S. Seifullin.
Transfer and restoration of students from one educational program to another, from one university to another is carried out during the summer and winter holidays. A student is transferred or reinstated to any university, regardless of the terms of expulsion upon recovery, if he has completely completed the first academic period of the studied program according to the individual curriculum.
When transferring / reinstating a student, the university takes into account the direction of preparation and profile of the EP, the educational achievements of the student, as well as cases of violation of academic integrity by the student.
In the case of a mismatch in the EP profile, prerequisites for mastering are set. Prerequisites are determined by the university based on the list of disciplines studied, their programs and volumes in academic hours or credits, reflected in the transcript.
When transferring, restoring, the achieved learning outcomes, positive assessments of the student are recognized with the transfer of academic credits from one EP to another, from one educational organization to another educational organization.
A student enrolled in an educational grant is transferred, if desired, with the preservation of the educational grant to another university.
The transfer of a student from a paid basis to training on a state educational order is carried out by awarding educational grants that were released in the learning process in accordance with the Rules for awarding an educational grant for paying for higher education, approved by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 23, 2008 No. 58 ".
The transfer of students from course to course is carried out on condition that the student achieves a grade point average (GPA) not lower than the established transfer score.
The transferable GPA for students who have completed 1 course must be at least 1.86 points; those who completed the 2nd course - 2.0; graduates of 3, 4 courses - 2.1.
The transferable GPA for undergraduates of all specialties is 2.3.
The transferable GPA for doctoral students of all specialties is 2.5.
Academic leave is granted to students on the basis of the conclusion of the medical advisory commission at an outpatient clinic for a period of 6 to 12 months due to illness, a summons for military service, birth, adoption of a child until he reaches the age of three years.
A student is expelled from the university in the following cases:
The requirements for this section are indicated in the link Regulation on the procedure of expulsion, transfer, re-enrolment and granting leave of absence to students in S. Seifullin KATU.
When assessing student learning achievement, teachers should adhere to the following principles:
When organizing the reception of the final control with the use of distance learning technologies exams for all levels of education, for all courses and forms of training are conducted in the computer testing form in the AIS "PLATONUS". Students according to the exams schedule (posted on the university website in the section "Distance education" "Schedule of exams") enter the AIS "PLATONUS" through the university website and undergo testing in the subject.
The final control in disciplines where a written exam (demo/practical exam) is provided must be carried out using the Web conferencing platform with the inclusion of the recording mode. Students connect to the ZOOM platform via Internet resources (using an identification number) and take exams in the subject.
The policy of evaluating the educational achievements of students is based on the principles of academic integrity. Students, faculty and university staff must adhere to the Code of Academic Integrity.
Academic achievements (knowledge, abilities, skills and competencies) of students are evaluated in points on a 100-point scale corresponding to the internationally accepted letter system with a digital equivalent (positive marks, in descending order, from "A" to "D", and unsatisfactory "-" FХ "," F ",) and estimates according to the traditional system.
In case of receiving the mark "unsatisfactory" the student corresponding to the mark "FХ" has the opportunity to retake the final control without re-passing the program of the academic discipline/module (free of charge)
In case of receiving an "unsatisfactory" mark, the student corresponding to the "F" mark re-enrolls in this academic discipline/module, attends all types of training sessions, performs all types of educational work according to the program and retakes the final control.
When transferring to another university or to another program all academic disciplines and (or) modules that the student studied with an indication of all the marks received for the final control (exam), including FX and F marks corresponding to the equivalent of "unsatisfactory" must be recorded in the transcript according to SO QMS 02.2007-2020 Knowledge control and final certification of students
All written works of intermediate and final control are checked for plagiarism. Regulation on checking written works for borrowing.
The purpose of the final certification is to establish the level of preparation of a graduate of a higher educational institution to accomplish professional tasks and the compliance of his training with the requirements of the educational program and the state compulsory educational standard.
The final certification is at least 12 academic credits in the total educational program volume of higher education and is carried out in the form of writing and defending graduation work or diploma project.
At the same time, instead of graduation work or diploma project., two comprehensive exams are taken for the following categories of persons:
To pass the comprehensive exam the student writes an application addressed to the rector of the university and submits the corresponding document.
The comprehensive exam program reflects integrated knowledge and key competencies that meet the requirements of the labor market in accordance with the educational program of higher education.
The organization and conduct of the final certification should adhere to the following principles:
Organization of work attestation commission (AC). Certification commissions are formed for the levels of education and each EP, approved by order of the rector of the university, to execute the final certification .
AC are valid for one calendar year. The place of work of the AC is established by the head of the educational institution on the proposal of the head of the graduating department and in agreement with the chairman of the AC.
The AC is headed by a chairman who organizes and controls the activities of the certification commission, ensures the unity of the requirements for graduates.
The chairman of the AС is appointed a person who, as a rule, does not work in an educational institution, from among persons with an academic degree or academic title of the relevant profile, as well as leading specialists of enterprises, organizations and institutions that are consumers of personnel in this profile. The Chairman of the AС is approved by the Academic Council of the University for a period of one calendar year.
The formation of the AС is executed by order of the head of the educational institution after the approval of the chairman of the AC. Attestation commissions are formed from teachers of the educational institution and persons invited from third-party institutions: authoritative specialists of enterprises, organizations and institutions, consumers of personnel in this profile, leading teachers and researchers from other universities. The number of attestation commissions should not be less than 5 people.
The composition of the certification commissions and the secretaries responsible for receiving exams and defending graduate work (projects), defending master's dissertation are presented by the graduating department and approved by the order of the head of the educational institution.
The timing of the final certification (the schedule of defense and exams) is set at the graduating department suggestion, approved by the head of the educational institution and communicated to the students no later than a month before the start of the AC. The approval of the DR (DP) topics and the admission of the student to the final certification are announced by the order (orders) of the university.
The main functions of the AC are:
The following documents are submitted to the meetings of the AC by the issuing department:
The protocol of the meeting of the certification commission are signed by the chairman, all members and the secretary of the commission. The decision of the AC on the assignment of qualifications to graduates who have passed the final attestation and the issuance of the corresponding education document is announced by order of the head of the educational institution. The decision of the AC is considered competent if at least two thirds of its members, including the chairman and secretary, are present at its meeting. After the completion of the final certification the AC prepares an annual report on the work, which is discussed at a meeting of the graduating department (faculty council). The following information should be reflected in the report:
Teachers with the appropriate profile and (or) specialists corresponding to level 8 of the National Qualification Framework with at least 3 years of work experience are appointed as the heads of graduate work (projects). The student determines the topic of the diploma projects (works) on the 3rd year after mastering the basic disciplines together with the adviser and the head of the graduating department. The diploma work is drawn up in accordance with the regulations on the diploma work (project). SO QMS 02.2007-2020 Knowledge control and final certification of students.
Final attestation for educational programs of master's/doctoral studies is carried out in the form of writing and defending a master's dissertation (project)/doctoral dissertation.
The management of master's and doctoral dissertations is executed by a teacher who has a scientific degree in the relevant profile of the direction of training in accordance with the qualification requirements for educational activities (order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 05.06.2020 No. 231). SO QMS 02.2007-2020 Knowledge control and final certification of students.
Internationalization at the university level is the process of turning a national university into an international one, including the international aspect in all components of university management in order to improve the quality of teaching and research and achieve the required competencies. Currently, the internationalization of a university is considered as one of the most important characteristics of the competitiveness of a modern university, and the indicators of internationalization, accordingly, have great weight among other indicators of the effectiveness of the university.
The main directions of internationalization and academic mobility of education at the university:
The admission of foreign students, the organization of exchange programs, individual student mobility is executed in accordance with the Regulation on the organization of external academic mobility of students.
The exchange of teachers, the creation and implementation of joint educational and research programs, internships, the organization of intensive language courses and summer schools are held in accordance with the Regulations on the organization of academic mobility of teaching staff and the Regulations on attracting foreign scientists and professors for teaching.