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Vacant grants

Vacant educational grants, released during the process of obtaining higher or postgraduate education, are awarded on a competitive basis to students on a paid basis according to the groups of educational programs on the basis of the Rules for the award of an educational grant to pay for higher or postgraduate education with the award of a "bachelor" or "master", approved by the Resolution The Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 23, 2008 No. 58 .

The competition is held based on the results of intermediate certification based on the GPA with the issuance of a certificate of awarding an educational grant.

The announcement of the open competition is posted on the website in the tab "Classifieds" indicating the number of vacant educational grants in the context of the direction of training and course.

In case when average points are identical during the competition, only those students that have А, А- (excellent), and then from А, А- («excellent») to В+, В, В-, С+  («good») in the whole period of education have the pre-emptive right to acquire the vacant educational grant.

The vacant educational grants, which became vacated while studies, are awarded to students during summer and winter holidays on available grant vacancies in the university on the competitive basis on the specialties accordingly. 

The procedure for awarding vacant educational grants released in the process of obtaining higher and postgraduate education is prescribed in the JMC 02.2027-2022 "Regulation on the procedure for awarding vacant educational grants released in the process of obtaining higher and postgraduate education", and is carried out in the following order:

-  a student of higher/postgraduate education on a paid basis submits an application for the competition through the personal account of AIS "Platonus" (Instruction manual) to the Student Service Center (hereinafter referred to as the SSC) with a request for his transfer to further education under a state educational grant with an indication of consent to the publication of his GPA score in the public domain. Attach a copy of the identity document to the application. The transcript for the entire period of training is provided by the SSC;  

- the SSC accepts and registers the student’s application and package of documents in the register;

- The selection of applicants according to the average GPA score is carried out with the report of the AIS "Platonus" for a group of educational programs, courses, forms and terms of study. In the absence of applicants for a group of educational programs, the vacant educational grants released in the process of obtaining higher and (or) postgraduate education are re-allocated within the field of training or field of education.

- The SSC sends the list of applicants to the dean's offices for consideration by the Faculty Board of Trustees, and then to the decision of the Academic Council of the university.

- selection of applicants is carried out in accordance with the criteria specified above;

- The University administration, having reviewed these documents, together with the decision of the Academic Council and  the Faculty Board of Trustees sends the list of applicants for transfer to vacant educational grants to the MSHE RK for final decision-making before August 5 and January 25. The student's application, along with the decision of the academic Council and  the Faculty Board of Trustees, is accompanied by a transcript of the student, a copy of the identity document, the certificate of the educational grant holder (original) and a copy of the student who was expelled from the University;

- MSHE RK considers the submitted documents in the context of groups of educational programs, forms and terms of training given the year of receipt, and upon a positive decision, issues an order on awarding the vacant educational grants higher and (or) postgraduate education (in the absence of candidates in the group educational programs, vacant educational grants freed up in the process of getting higher and (or) in postgraduate education, are redistributed inside the write direction key or the field of education);

- on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan on re-issuing a state educational grant, the National Center for State Education and Testing Standards writes a certificate of the state educational grant holder in the name of the student who submitted the transfer application;

- On the basis of issued certificates and  the order of the MSHE RK issued an order for the University specifying the date of the transfer to further training on an educational grant.