Main / For applicants / List of topics and literature for the PhD entrance examination for the 2022-2023 academic year
List of topics and literature for the PhD entrance examination for the 2022-2023 academic year
D103 - Mechanics and metalworking
D138 - Veterinary
D136 - Motor vehicles
D135 - Agricultural energy supply
D-133 Forestry
D132 - Livestock
D131 - Crop production
D130 - Standardization, certification and metrology (by industry)
D128 - Land management
D123 - Surveying
D111-Food production
D104 - Transport, transport engineering and technology
D008 - Training of teachers in vocational education
D100 - Automation and control
D099 - Energy and electrical engineering
D098 - Thermal power engineering
D094 - Information technology
D075 - Marketing and Advertising
D074 - Finance, economics, banking and insurance
D073 - Audit and taxation
D073 - Architecture
D072 - Management and administration
D070 - Economics