At the Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S. Seifullin, special attention is paid to revealing the creative abilities of students. The Center for Creative Development operates in this direction. Artistic director Vakhitov N.Kh.
The faculty employs professional specialists in various creative areas, such as:
Student theater “Ak Zhelken” (director – Umarov D.)
Vocal studio (head – Azhymolla A.)
Dance ensemble “Shattyk” (director – Gabdrakhmanova I.)
National instrumental ensemble “Shabyt” (director – Sarmantaeva G.)
KVN team “KazATUKuramasy” - (leader – Aliev A.A.)
Within this club of team of all faculties independently participate and actively play in all city and republican games of KVN: "KATU kuramasy", Energo, "KATU kuramasy", "Agro life", "KATU zhastary".
Especially there is a wish to note achievements of Ak Zhelken drama school. The student's theater annually puts plays of famous Kazakh and foreign playwrights. Now in the repertoire of theater such plays, as: "Kushik kuyueu" (author T. Akhtanov), "Makhabbat bar ма?" (author S. Balgabayev), "Makhabbat pen kesapat" (author R. Ibrayev), "I want to be happy too" (author Ch. Aytmatov) and many other plays.
In 2012 the student's theater presented the premiere of the performance "Akyn men Azhal" devoted to life and activity and spiritual heritage of the poet Saken Seifullin. Play of such performances became a good tradition of this collective. This work is specially written for student's theater Ak Zhelken by the poet, the member of the Writers' Union of Kazakhstan G. Eshtanayev.
And today the student's theater Ak Zhelken is not tired to surprise the audience with the plays. Recently the performances "Emen- uzak zhasaityn agash", "Zholaiyruk" were put, "Akyn men azhal". In the nearest future writing of the work for the student's theater Zhol Basy devoted to life and works of the writer Saken Seifullin and the work "Menin ne zhazygym bar?" for prevention of religious extremism among youth is planned.
The student's theater Ak Zhelken will represent all drama performances in three languages. On November 28, 2016 in the Kazakh drama theater of K. Kuanyshbayev the student's theater for the first time presented the performance "Akyn men Azhal" of G. Eshtanayev in English.
Also, at the initiative of students, the club of guitarists Nirvana was created. Within work of club perform and please with the creativity more than 20 students guitarists. The chairman of Nirvana club – is the student of energy faculty Baybolov Erkebulan. In November, 2016 at the initiative of students club of instrumentalists "Empire of music" is created. The purpose of club is development of musical and creative abilities, formation of performing skills, mastering the main techniques of sound extraction on a guitar, contribution to physical development of students. Chairman of club - the student of faculty CS&VT Toktarov Duman. Students take active part in all cultural events held at the university and in hostels.
Students take active part in all events held in the republic and in the city, take prizes, thereby raise image of the university. In particular, in 2014 at the organization by the republican union "CFI Kazakhstan" among all teams of the highest league, national team of CFI of the university became the Vice-champion. On November 14, 2016 at the Ministries of Education and Science organization of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the republican union "CFI Kazakhstan" in honor of the 25 anniversary of Independence of RK there took place the game "Zhaydarman". Among 20 teams, by results of a game, the team "Kaz kuramasy" took ІІ the place. In 2016 the national team of CFI in regional league "Irtysh" became the champion of a game - CFI.
On November 20, 2016 at the organization by the republican union "CFI Kazakhstan" there took place the city game of CFI Zhaydarman devoted to the 25 anniversary of Independence of RK. By results of a game Energo team took the 2nd place of honor among 20 strongest teams.
The dancing ensemble "Shattyk" participates in many competitions from year to year. It should be noted that in the annual youth city festival "Zhastar Zhalyny", the dancing ensemble "Shattyk" is a four-time champion of a festival.
On April 13, 2016 with support to the party Nur Otan, of a young movement "Zhas оtan" and Management of youth policy of Astana city among students of higher educational institutions of the capital took place a final gala concert of the creative festival "Zhastar zhalyny-2016".
The competition consisted of 10 nominations: "Variety song", "National and modern dance", "Best team of fans", "Best student's club", "Best volunteer project", "Poetic competition", game "Quest", competition "That? Where? When?", "Playing musical instruments" and "Best video".
According to the decision of jury of a festival Grand Prix was awarded to S. Seifullin Kazakh agro technical university.
The youth festival "Jana Tolkyn" was held on 26-27.09.2022
A patriotic song contest dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day was held 05.18.2022
A concert dedicated to Nauryz was held 21.03.2022
A concert was held on March 8 dedicated to International Women's Day 05.03.2022
March 8 - International Women's Day held a concert 04.03.2022
The contest "Songs of Saken - the treasure of Saryarka" was held 24.02.2022
Почетный профессор Казахского национального аграрного университета. Карьера. 1979 г. — Кайрат Айтуганов начал работать оператором цеха перевозки Кокчетавского почтамта. 1984-1985 гг. — ассистент кафедры почвоведения Целиноградского сельхозинститута. 1987-1989 гг. — агроном, старший агроном, главный экономист совхоза Карабулакский Зерендинского р-йона Кокчетавской обл.