One of the first faculties created in the first institute on virgin land was the Faculty of Land Management, the year of its creation was 1957.
Since its formation, the Faculty of Land Management has been the only faculty in Kazakhstan providing training in the field of land management and cadastre. During its existence, more than five thousand specialists have been trained who successfully work in land management and land cadastre bodies, appraisal companies, as well as in other sectors of the national economy and make a worthy contribution to the development of land relations in Kazakhstan.
A qualified teaching staff has been formed at the Faculty of Land Management, which does a lot of work to improve the quality of the educational process, master multi-level training programs for specialists, conducts scientific research on various problems of land management and cadastre, geodesy and cartography, assessments that allow for the training of highly qualified personnel taking into account the requirements of employers and production in the labor market.
At different times, the Faculty of Land Management was headed by prominent scientists, professors, associate professors, each of whom contributed to its formation and development: Fedorov V.I., Ph.D., Associate Professor Tikhomirova E.D.; Ph.D., Professor Spector M.D.; Ph.D., Professor Maul Ya.Ya.; Ph.D., Associate Professor Rezaev V.V.; Ph.D., Associate Professor Krykbayev Zh.K. The creator of the land management school in Kazakhstan is a well-known scientist, Doctor of Economics, Professor Gendelman Moisey Aronovich is the founder of the scientific school of land management not only in Kazakhstan, but also throughout the post–Soviet space. A number of fundamental works, the relevance of research, their novelty, practical significance earned him fame as one of the prominent theorists of agrarian and economic science. As a member of the working group of the Mazhilis of the Republic of Kazakhstan, he participated in the discussion of the "Land Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan", adopted in 2003. M.I. Gendelman was a leading figure of the land management science of Kazakhstan, a well-known scientist, for many years he was the rector of the university.
Due to the reorganization of the two faculties of Land Management and Architecture (it was established in 1965), the new name of the faculty began to sound like Land Management, Architecture and Design.
Over the entire period of activity of the faculties, more than 5,500 specialists have been trained, most of whom hold leading positions in land management services of the Republic of Kazakhstan and abroad, 1,500 specialists, most of whom hold leading positions in architectural organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Since September 1, 2021, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Toleubekova Zhanat Zekenovna has been appointed Dean of the Faculty of Land Management, Architecture and Design.
The Faculty of Land Management, Architecture and Design has 3 departments:
The teaching staff of the Faculty of Land Management, Architecture and Design includes 89 teachers, including 13 doctors, 26 Candidates of Sciences, 4 PhD doctors, 46 senior teachers and assistants.
The faculty is equipped with modern equipment, there are specialized libraries with a fund of more than 80,000 volumes of educational, scientific and normative literature, on cadastre, land management, assessment, geodesy, architecture and design. Training is conducted in specialized classrooms on land management, AIS land cadastre, assessment, geodesy, drawing, painting, composition, design, architectural design, computer design and in a mock-up workshop.
To ensure the educational process and conduct scientific research, the faculty has laboratories, studios and computer classes.
Почетный профессор Казахского национального аграрного университета. Карьера. 1979 г. — Кайрат Айтуганов начал работать оператором цеха перевозки Кокчетавского почтамта. 1984-1985 гг. — ассистент кафедры почвоведения Целиноградского сельхозинститута. 1987-1989 гг. — агроном, старший агроном, главный экономист совхоза Карабулакский Зерендинского р-йона Кокчетавской обл.