Regulations on the Dissertation Council
Dissertation Councils |
Specialties/educational programs | Chairman of the Council | Permanent members of the Dissertation Council | Scientific Secretary |
Reports on the work of dissertation councils |
Security Information |
Dissertation Council in the field of 8D082 – «Animal Husbandry» |
8D08201 – Zootechnics (6D080200 – Technology |
Shauyenov Saukymbek Kauysovich |
Ибраев Дулат Кусаинович |
Dissertation Council in the field of 8D075 – «Standardization and certification»: |
8D07501 – Standardization and product quality management, 6D073200 – |
Sarsembayeva Tolkyn Erzhanovna |
Юсупова Гаухар Тургалиевна |
Dissertation Council in the field of D091 - "Veterinary Sciences": |
(8D09101 - Veterinary welfare of animals, 8D09102 - Sanitary ecological |
Jakupov Isatay Tusupovich |
Мустафина Райхан Хусаиновна |
Dissertation Council in the field of 8D081 - "Agronomy" and 8D083 - "Forestry": |
8D081 - «Agronomy» and 8D083 - «Forestry», including educational programs 8D08101 Genetics and crop breeding / 8D08102 Organic farming (6D080100 Agronomy) / 8D08103 Scientific principles of plant nutrition and fertilizer use (6D080800 Soil science and agrochemistry) / 8D08104 Phytosanitary technologies (6D081100 Plant protection and quarantine) / 8D08301 Sustainable management of forest resources (6D080700 Forest resources and forestry) |
Sarsekova Dani N. |
Байтеленова Алия Аскеровна |
Dissertation Council in the field of 8D073 - "Architecture and Construction": |
8D07301 - "Architecture", 8D07302 - "Geodesy", 8D07303 - "Cadastre", 8D07304 - "Land management" at NJSC " S. Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University" |
Kornilovа Alla Alexandrovna |
Абдыкаримова Шолпан Тулешевна |
Dissertation Council in the field of 8D061 - "Information and Communication Technologies": |
8D06101-Big data analytics; 8D06103-Modeling and optimization of business |
Ismailova Aisulu Abzhapparovna |
Аканова Акерке Сапаровна |
Dissertation Council in the field of 8D072 «Manufacturing and processing» industries : |
D07201- Technology of food |
Amirzhan Kassenov |
Kadyrzhan Makangali |
Почетный профессор Казахского национального аграрного университета. Карьера. 1979 г. — Кайрат Айтуганов начал работать оператором цеха перевозки Кокчетавского почтамта. 1984-1985 гг. — ассистент кафедры почвоведения Целиноградского сельхозинститута. 1987-1989 гг. — агроном, старший агроном, главный экономист совхоза Карабулакский Зерендинского р-йона Кокчетавской обл.