Main / Faculties and Departments / Berden Zhamila Esentaevna
Berden Zhamila Esentaevna

Berden Zhamila Esentaevna


Master of Engineering,

Assistant, Department of Information Systems

Office 2415, тел. +7(7172) 38-39-59


Delivered disciplines

Professional Kazakh language, professional Russian language, object - oriented programming, the basics of information systems, Web application development, visual programming.

Ongoing research projects

The use of information technology in the education system, the training of specialists at a research university.


2014 - 2017

Kazakh University of Economics, Finance and International Trade, 5B070400 - “Computer Engineering and Software”.

2017 - 2019

Kazakh University of Economics, Finance and International Trade, Master of Engineering in the specialty 6M070300 - "Information Systems"



From 02.09.2019 y

KazUEFMT, laboratory assistant at the Department of IP and Technology

KazATU, assistant of the Department of IP


- Automated control system “Tamos University Suite”, Tamos University Suite, Almaty, 2015

- Game Theory in Economics and Management, ENU named after Gumilyov, 2017

- Local Area Networks and Internet, INTUIT, 2017

- IP Development Management, INTUIT, 2017

- On an internship “Information Systems”, FSBEI HE “OmSU named after F.M.Dostoevsky, 2018


The author of two scientific publications:

  1. Өнімдік модельдер. Современная экономика Казахстана: состояние и перспективы развития: IX научно – практическая конференция молодых ученых, посвященная Дню экономиста, выпуск 2, 2018 год
  2. Особенности управления продукционной БЗ. Материалы международной научно – практической интернет – конференции «Тенденции и перспективы развития науки и образования в условиях глобализации», выпуск 40, 2018 год