Main / Research / Extension Office
Extension Office

              Success of your Business our innovations


Knowledge dissemination Office "Extension-KATU" thanks you for your interest in our activities.  

The main purpose of our activities is the introduction of advanced innovation in agriculture, distribution and transfers of knowledge and training professionals in the practical application on advanced technologies.

The main services of the Office "Extension-KATU" are:

  1. Scientific support and advice to agribusiness entities in the implementation of modern technologies (on-site in the farm, distant consultation);
  2. Distribution of information and educational materials (videos, printed materials, web-site, social networks);
  3. Training programs on the use of advanced technology and experience (focus on the practical activities, basic and special courses).

Services are provided by highly qualified specialists with scientific and practical work experience in agriculture.

To learn more about Office services "Extension-KATU" can be found by clicking the link.

In cases, if in the process of acquaintance with the services you have questions in the notes or any other additional information; please contact the Extension-KATU office phone:                       

+7 (717) 239-39-19 or to the following email:

Hope for mutually beneficial cooperation!


The staff of knowledge dissemination Office Extension-KATU

JSC" S.SeifullinKazakhAgroTechnicalUniversity"