Main / University / Sustainable development of KATRU
Sustainable development of KATRU

The Sustainable Development Goals are a universal call for action to eradicate poverty, protect our planet, improve the quality of life and improve prospects for all people around the world.

17 Goals were adopted by all UN Member States in 2015 as part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which formulated a 15—year plan to achieve them.

Kazakhstan, as a country that has committed itself to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), is actively working in all directions and is ready to contribute to the successful achievement of global goals.

S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University integrating the principles of sustainable development into its activities, is committed to 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).



Steps to develop an action plan to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 2050,

taking into account the GHG protocol


Description of the work stage


Implementation date/term



Step one:

Prepare to develop a plan to reduce carbon dioxide. Leadership and teamwork

The university administration must develop a step-by-step action plan to reduce carbon dioxide

The plan will be developed by the faculty of  Faculty of Forestry, Wildlife and EnvironmentS and external specialists with a GHG certificate

4th quarter 2023 - 1st quarter 2024



Step two: Inventory and collection of initial data

Inventory and analysis of current energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions;

Developing growth forecasts for university-owned facilities and underlying energy demand and greenhouse gas emissions;

Determine options and costs for various levels of energy efficiency in all university-related buildings, demand side energy savings at our existing facilities

Invited experts with GHG certificates

2nd quarter 2024 - 1st quarter 2026



Step three: Selection of methodology and carbon tools

Consideration of techniques for reduction, savings, offsets and other aspects of carbon tools most suitable for our university and the objects included in it

Invited experts with GHG certificates

2nd quarter 2029 - 2nd quarter 2030



Step four. Creating a comprehensive energy and climate model

This phase will develop a comprehensive energy and climate model with all viable options for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, allowing for detailed comparison and prioritization of options. Searches for alternative energy sources

Invited experts with GHG certificates

3rd quarter 2026 - 1st quarter 2029



Step Five: recommendations and implementation.

At this stage, an internal assessment of the energy and climate plan will be carried out, as well as an external analysis, to provide expert assessment of the Plan.

Invited experts with GHG certificates

3-4 quarter 2030



Step six: Developing a Risk Management System

At this stage, a risk management system will be developed taking into account environmental, social and governance factors in the organization.

Invited specialists with GHG certificates

1st quarter 2031 - 4th quarter 2040



Step seven: Develop a waste management system

At this stage, a waste management system will be developed

Invited specialists with GHG certificates

1st quarter 2041 - 4th quarter 2050





Regulations on assessment of literacy and knowledge in the field of sustainable development

                                                                                                                                                                                                          "I affirm"

                                                                                                                                                                                             Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs                                                                    

                                                                                                                                                                                               _____________ Abisheva R.D.





1. General provisions

1.1 These Regulations (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) determine the procedure for assessing literacy and knowledge in the field of sustainable development of students and employees of the NJSC “Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University named after. S. Seifullina."

1.2 This Regulation has been developed in accordance with Article 3, paragraph 13 and Art. 4, Section 12. Article 191 Environmental culture, education and enlightenment, Environmental Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 2, 2021 No. 400-VI ZRK, as well as taking into account the requirements of the UN Global Compact, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Reporting Standards in area of sustainable development of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI Standards), State Standards of Higher and Postgraduate Education, Academic Policy Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University. S. Seifullin from 31.08. 2022, as well as the Program and Declaration “Education for Sustainable Development”, developed at the UN global environmental forum RIO+20; principles of United Nations Academic Impact, UNESCO Education for Sustainable Development Program, etc.


2.    Goal and tasks

Purpose - literacy and knowledge assessment is carried out to determine the level of awareness and competencies in the field of sustainable development of individuals who have completed relevant training programs or participated in events on this topic.

Objectives - creating a culture of social responsibility of society, promoting the dissemination of environmental and ethical values and standards of behavior through environmental education and upbringing.

2.1 Increasing the content of the environmental protection and sustainable development component in the university’s educational process.

2.2 Introduction of new and development of existing curricula and syllabuses, methods and forms of education in the field of environmental protection and sustainable development.

2.3 Expanding the coverage of university faculties and departments with education in the field of environmental protection and sustainable development.

2.4 Improving the quality of human resource training and meeting society’s needs for professional personnel in the field of environmental protection and sustainable development;

2.5 Increasing the level of awareness of all groups of the population through environmental education and upbringing, facilitating the assimilation of a number of environmental and ethical standards, values, and professional skills that are required to ensure sustainable development.

2.6 Conducting an analysis of existing knowledge and the level of awareness of participants on sustainable development issues.

2.7 Evaluate current practices and methods of teaching or information support in the field of sustainable development.

2.8 Identification of key issues in understanding the concepts of sustainable development that require additional attention in training or socio-educational activities.


3. Analysis of the current situation

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are globally adopted goals aimed at ending poverty and poverty, combating inequality and injustice, as well as protecting the planet and ensuring peace and prosperity for all people. Until 2030, 17 key areas were selected, the implementation of which could potentially lead the country to sustainable development of all major areas of life and the solution of global problems affecting every person in this world.


4. Subjects of assessment

4.1 The subjects of the assessment are students, university employees, students of additional education courses, who have completed educational courses, seminars, trainings or participated in other forms of education or information events dedicated to sustainable development;

4.2 Assessment is carried out both within disciplines and in the process of social and educational activities on sustainable development.


5. Assessment is carried out both within disciplines and in the process of social and educational activities on sustainable development.

5.1 Literacy assessment is based on testing and/or practical tasks.

5.2 Testing includes questions on key aspects of sustainable development, such as ecology, social responsibility, economic sustainability, gender equality, etc.

5.3 Practical assignments may include analyzing specific scenarios, developing sustainable development strategies for an organization or community, participating in environmental conservation projects, etc.

5.4 Assessment methods may include testing in the form of tests, exams, as well as practical assignments, projects or cases.

5.5 Practical assignments may involve solving real-life problems or developing projects that demonstrate understanding and application of sustainable development principles.

5.6 Assessment deadlines: assessment of literacy and knowledge is carried out within a set time frame determined by the organizers of the training and L and the authorized body.

5.7 The assessment results are communicated to participants within a specified time frame after completion of testing or assignments.

5.8 To determine literacy and knowledge in the field of sustainable development, it is recommended to conduct the International Literacy Test in the field of Sulitest (International certificate of sustainability knowledge (The Assessment of Sustainability Knowledge, TASK)) among students and employees.


6. Criteria for evaluation

6.1 Evaluation criteria include:

  • knowledge of the basic principles of sustainable development;
  • understanding the concepts of environmental, social and economic sustainability;
  • knowledge of resource management principles, including renewable and non-renewable resources;
  • understanding the relationships between environmental, social and economic aspects of development.

6.2 Learning to analyze and evaluate situations from the point of view of sustainable development:

  • ability to assess the impact of activities on the environment and social systems;
  • ability to identify the causes and consequences of environmental and social problems;
  • skills in developing and implementing strategies to achieve sustainable development.

6.3 Practical application of knowledge in solving specific problems Practical application of knowledge in solving specific problems:

Demonstrated ability to apply sustainability principles to real-life projects or situations.

6.4 Development and implementation of action plans aimed at improving sustainability in various fields such as energy, agriculture, urban planning, etc.

6.5 Participation in projects or program activities aimed at promoting sustainable development.

6.6 Integrating sustainability into everyday life and adopting sustainable lifestyles.

6.7 Demonstrating conscious consumer behavior.

6.8 Participation in environmental and social activism initiatives.

6.9 Demonstrated interest in ongoing learning and development in the area of sustainability.


7. Evaluation of results and certification

7.1 The results obtained can be used for further education, career planning, participation in projects or other goals related to sustainable development.

7.2 The assessment is carried out using objective assessment criteria specified in the Academic Policy of the University.

7.3 Upon successful completion of the literacy and knowledge assessment, participants may be issued a certificate or certification.

7.4 The certificate confirms the level of literacy and knowledge in the field of sustainable development and can be used for further training or professional development.


8. Final provisions

8.1 This Regulation comes into force from the moment of its approval and is valid until amendments or cancellation by decision of the University Board.

8.2 All issues not regulated by these Regulations shall be resolved in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.


Environmental sustainability research centre (ESRC) is a structural research unit that organizes and coordinates the development of fundamental and applied research in the field of green technologies, environmentally sustainable and low-carbon development, including in the agricultural sector.

The purpose of the ESRC is:

- determination of priorities for the development of the main directions of fundamental and applied research;

- search for optimal solutions to problems of integration of science and practice; 

- development of recommendations for coordinating the activities of the "Center" together with universities and research institutes engaged in research in this area, as well as cooperation with scientific organizations in the formation of scientific programs carried out within the framework of state funding and at the expense of contractual research;

- organizes and coordinates implementation work, takes an active part in the commercialization of scientific developments.

In its activities , ESRC solves the following tasks:

- organization and development of scientific projects with participation in EOM competitions for grant and program-targeted funding in priority areas of fundamental and applied research;

- implementation of national and international projects;

- formation of creative teams from among the leading scientists of departments and related scientific organizations with the involvement of students, undergraduates and doctoral students;

- participation in the formation of programs and methods of scientific research in the field of environmentally sustainable development and monitoring their implementation;

- active involvement of students, graduates of master's and doctoral studies in the implementation of ongoing research after graduation in order to strengthen the human potential of ESRC;

- ensuring integration with scientific institutions and universities of the republic and foreign countries;

- assistance in the promotion of advanced scientific achievements and the introduction of the results of scientific research into the national economy, and the educational process;

- organization of scientific and industrial conferences, seminars, meetings, provision of consulting services, training and retraining of personnel in the field of environmentally sustainable and low-carbon development.

Head of the Environmental Sustainability Research Center - Bakhov Zh.K.


The purpose of the Center is to support inclusive education in KATRU  by improving the quality of learning conditions for students belonging to the target group.

The Center's activities are implemented in the following areas:

Career guidance work with applicants from among the contingent of the Center;

Promotion of employment and support of University graduates from among the contingent of the Center;

Promoting the creation of a barrier-free architectural environment;

Development of inclusive volunteer practices;

Organization and conduct of scientific research on inclusive culture;

Development and publication of materials on the development of inclusive culture in society;

Organizing and conducting events for the development of inclusive practices;

Coordination of the activities of the structural units of the University in the field of training and support of the contingent of the Center;

Assistance in improving the competence of the staff of the department and informing and instructing them in the implementation of inclusive education and work with persons with disabilities;

Implementation of organizational-pedagogical, psychological-pedagogical and assistive support of the educational process of students from among the contingent of the Center;

Providing advisory, methodological assistance and technical support to the structural units of the university, scientific, pedagogical and other categories of employees to work with persons with disabilities and HIA of various nosologies; advising on the preparation of alternative forms of teaching materials;

Creation and accounting of a database of graduates with disabilities and HIA, as well as students from among orphans and persons from among orphans and left without parental care;

Creation and implementation of a model of inclusive accompanied temporary residence for students with disabilities and HIA (living in university dormitories).