Main / Faculties and Departments / Temirova Akmaral Bolatovna
Temirova Akmaral Bolatovna

Temirova Akmaral Bolatovna


Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor,

Head of the Department of Economics

010001, Astana, Zhenis ave., 62

Cabinet 1408, tel. 8(717-2)39 59 27



Sphere of scientific interests

Export potential, foreign economic activity, food security

Delivered disciplines

Foreign economic activity of the enterprise


The main research directions

Export potential, foreign economic activity, food security

Experience in research projects

1. Food security system of the Republic of Kazakhstan in a climate economy: assessment, model and forecast

2. 13005/314 of 10.04.2019. Economic assessment of the development of innovative processes in meat cattle breeding in Akmola region. State. Registration No. 0119RKI0120

3. Round table on the topic: "Integration of the efforts of educational and scientific organizations of the agroindustrial complex in order to enhance scientific research and training", organized by the Department of Economics. The round table was dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Faculty of Economics 

4. Seminar on the topic: "Some features of the development of the curriculum (syllabus) of the discipline at MSU (USA)". Narbaeva G. focused on the features of higher education in the USA and the requirements for the content of the curriculum (syllabus) of the discipline at Michigan State University. (Based on the results of the internship within the framework of the International “Bolashaq” Program) 03/24/2023

Master students working under the guidance

  1. Bekturganov, A. Karim, L. Danil, S. Chigrina, Y. Senyura, Zhumadildaeva A., Bekeshev B.


1991 – 1995

Y.Zhakhaev Kyzylorda Institute of Agricultural Engineers. Faculty of Economics, Kyzylorda.

1999 – 2006

Applicant, Department of International Economic Relations, T.Ryskulov KazEU, Almaty.


Work experience

1996 - 2008

Lecturer, Senior lecturer, Department of Economic Theory and SLM, Korkyt Ata State University

2008 - 2014

Associate professor, Department of Economics, ENU named after L.N. Gumilev

2013 - 2015

Head of the Department of Economics and Management, JSC “Financial Academy” of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan

2015 - 2017

Dean of the Faculty of Postgraduate Education of JSC “Financial Academy” of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan

2017 - 2018

Vice-rector for educational-methodical and educational work of JSC “Financial Academy” of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan

2018 - 2019

Associate Professor, Department of Economics, JSC “S. Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University”

2019  - till present

Head of the Department of Economics, JSC “S. Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University”


Awards and Honours

The holder of the International Scholarship of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Bolashak”-2011.

The holder of the educational grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the title “Best Teacher-2014”.

One of the best scholarship holders of Bolashak, The Book “Ziyatker” of the Head of the Republic of Kazakhstan-2011.

Gratitude of the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Russian Federation, Gratitude of the IPC “Bolashak-2011”.

Acknowledgment PDP “Nur Otan”, Diploma of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Winner of the republican contest “Best Candidate-2019” in the framework of the implementation of the Elbasy program “Rukhani Zhangyru: A look into the future”.

Republic and International meetings

  1. Scientific internship according to the Bolashak program. Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, 2011.
  2. Scientific internship in the framework of the educational grant “Best Teacher – 2014”. International Center for Education and Scientific Information, Central Bohemia University. Prague, Czech Republic, 2015.
  3. Foreign business trip. Y. Kupala Grodno State University, under the program “Visiting Professor”, 2016.
  4. Kazan State Agrarian University, Kazan, 2023

Delivered disciplines

  • Agrarian Economics.
  • Foreign Economic Activity of the Enterprise
  • Entrepreneurship


  1. Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, 2011.
  2. International Center for Education and Scientific Information, Central Bohemia University. Prague, Czech Republic, 2015.
  3. Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, 2015.
  4. “Salbridge” International Business School, Woosong University, South Korea, Daejeon, 2016.
  5. St. Petersburg State University of Economics, Russian Federation, 2017.
  6. Public Association “Eurasian Institute for System Research”, 2019.
  7. Stavropol State Agrarian University, Russian Federation, 2019.
  8. Anti-Corruption Management System, ISO Implementation Agency: Training for international standard requirements ISO 37001:2016,2019.
  9. Internship under the program “Circular economy in the agro-industrial complex: the experience of the Republic of Tatarstan and its adaptation for Kazakhstan practice” 40 hours, FSBEI Kazan State Agrarian University No. 1159 Kazan 2023
  10. Republican educational and methodological seminar “Innovations in the educational process: theory, methodology, practice of higher education” 72 hours, KATIU named after. S. Seifullin No. 248. Astana 2024


The author of more than 60 scientific works.

The most important are in the following directions:

  1. Finance franchise and their impact on tourism// Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce, - 2016. Vol 21 Iss.3- A.N. - 229
  2. Конкурентоспособность экономики Казахстана в рамках ЕАЭС// Торговая политика. Trade policy / 2018. № 1/13№ 1/13. – С. 23-32, 2018
  3. Социально-экономическая дифференциация регионов// Вестник РУДН, Серия Экономика, № 1, 2016
  4. Повышение конкурентоспособности национальной экономики в условиях международной интеграции// Доклады национальной академии РК, № 6,2017 - С.218-226
  5. Механизмы эффективной системы регулирования институтов и отраслей производства АПК// Известия национальной академии наук РК, №6,(310) 2016.- С. 290-297
  6. Қазақстан Республикасының энергетика саласынын энергетикалық үнемделігі және тиімділігі мән мәтінінде реформалау қажеттілігі// Доклады национальной академии наук РК, №2,2016- С.132-136
  7. Формирование и развитие экспортного потенциала региона// Известия национальной академии наук //№ 5, (303) 2015.- С.231-238
  8. КӘСІПОРЫННЫҢ СҮТ ӨНДІРІСІНІҢ  ТІКЕЛЕЙ ШЫҒЫНДАРЫ МЕН ӨЗІНДІК ҚҰНЫН ФАКТОРЛЫҚ ТАЛДАУ Мақалада. Қазақ экономика, қаржы және халықаралық сауда университетінің ЖАРШЫСЫ, 2023 ‒ №3 (52).
  9. Food security of Kazakhstan at the present stage of development. Вестник Казахского университета экономики, финансов и международной торговли, №3(48)/2023,  120-125, DOI: 10.52260/2304-7216.2023.1(50).15 A.Temirova, G.Saimagambetova, A.Mukhamedzhanova