Main / Second working meeting on the EU Erasmus + "Un-Waste" project
Second working meeting on the EU Erasmus + "Un-Waste" project

The meeting of the participants of the EU Erasmus project + 618715-EPP-1-2020-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP Un-Waste “Advancing circular economy in partner countries by development and implementation of Master programme “Waste management" was held on March 4. The online session was devoted to issues of online content and discussion of technical issues related to the topic of the project.

The project coordinators presented a work schedule for three years, which was approved by the project partners. The work packages were also considered, within the framework of which each partner-participant made their proposals on the methods and progress of the work. So, one of the first tasks of the project is to determine the needs of each university in the field of waste management, identify strengths, select disciplines and practices that will help strengthen the existing program or create a new one, taking into account the recommendations of European universities. During the discussion, some differences were identified between universities in terms of opportunities, focus and strategies for integrating the master's program into the university's curricula. So, within the framework of the master's program of  S. Seifullin KATU should focus on agricultural waste, as this is the specificity of our university.

In addition, a lot of work has been done regarding the analysis of the methodology of the educational program. As part of the development of courses, it is necessary to use innovative methods and approaches based on the best practices, which will be presented by European and Russian colleagues. A cross-case analysis of knowledge transfer and training in 3 areas was carried out: a) the content and structure of training programs; b) pedagogical forms and methods; and c) teacher participation and interaction with students.

Thus, within the framework of the meeting, a wide range of issues were discussed, plans were approved, tasks were assigned and the amount of work that must be performed by each partner university in order to further combine the best solutions to achieve the best results of training specialists in the field of waste management in our university.