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Abulkhairov Darmen Karataevich

Abulkhairov Darmen Karataevich


Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor,

Academician of KazNAEN

Professor, Department of Technological Machines

and Equipment

Room 4508, тел.: +7 701 774 7390


Sphere of scientific interests

Mechanization of roughage harvesting and development of agricultural machinery and equipment.

Topics of dissertations (candidates of technical sciences, PhD):

- Justification of parameters of the compaction mechanism of hay-straw materials in the chamber of the stacker" - the criteria of the efficiency of the harvesting and transport complex, reserves for increasing its productivity, the scheme and mechanism of compaction are developed. (CHIMESKH, 1990).

- "Mechanization of bulk hay harvesting in Northern Kazakhstan" - the scientific basis for the design of technological complex of machines for hay harvesting has been developed pilot sample of a high-performance hay picker-loader PPS-7, introduced in a number of farms in Kostanay region. (KazNAU, 2008)

He is the author of more than 60 scientific papers and 7 patents. 

Delivered disciplines

"Methods and instruments for measuring and controlling the parameters of technological machines", "Technology of agricultural engineering", "Design of technical service enterprises". 


1974-1979 yy.

Kazakh agricultural Institute with a degree in mechanical engineering.

1986-1989 yy.

Postgraduate study: Chelyabinsk Institute of mechanization and electrification of agriculture (Chelyabinsk).

Work experience

1979-2000 yy.

he worked in the scientific, educational and industrial sphere: virgin research Institute of mechanization and electrification of agriculture (Kostanay), Chelyabinsk Institute of mechanization and electrification of agriculture ( Chelyabinsk), JSC "Agrotechservis" (Talgar), Almaty Industrial and Pedagogical Academy.

2001-2009 yy.

in the civil service-Head of the Department of the Science Committee of  MES RK, chief expert on higher education and science of the Office of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2009-2013 yy.

Vice-rector for science and international cooperation of D. Serikbayev East Kazakhstan State Technical University, concurrently-Director of LLP "East Kazakhstan regional Technopark "Altai", Director Of the center for analytical research and strategic development of KazNU named after Al-Farabi.

2013-2015 yy.

Director of the project management Department of JSC "national scientific and technological holding "Parasat".

2015-2016 yy.

acting Chairman of the Board of JSC "STC "Parasat".

2019 y.

Professor of the Department "Technological machines and equipment" KazATU named after S. Seifullin.

Awards and honours

  • Diplomas of MES RK.
  • Holder of the badge MES "for contribution to the development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan", 2019.