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Baishugulova Shyryn Kadrmendenovna

Baishugulova Shyryn Kadrmendenovna


Doctor PhD,

Advisor of specialty “Technological machines and equipment"

Cabinet4501, num.: +7(7172)39-53-14


Sphere of scientific interests

Mechanical Engineering, Research of Innovative Aspects 

Delivered disciplines

Materials in engineering design, Technology of structural materials, Measuring systems, Theory of mechanisms and machines, Mechanical engineering and automation of the execution of drawings.

Master and doctoral students working under the supervision 

master's degree–Feedlingг А.А.; Anuarbek N.М.; Shakariya Z.; Kasenov B.О.; Medelbek М.; Zekesh А.А.)



Zhezkazganskaya БГТ, specialty "Accountant-Economist of Agriculture"

1987 - 1993y.

Tselinograd Agricultural Institute, Engineering and Pedagogical Faculty, specialty "Engineer - teacher"

2012- 2014  y.

Master's degree at S. Seifullin KATU, specialty "Agrarian technique and technology"


Doctoral studies at S. Seifullin KATU, specialty "Agricultural engineering and technology"

Work experience



Economist for labor and wages of the state farm Balkhash, Priozerny district, Karaganda region


Student of the Tselinograd Agricultural Institute


Assistant of the Department of Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Graphics of the Tselinograd Agricultural Institute


Chief Specialist of the Department of Employment and Social Programs

2008-2019 y.


Since 2016y.


Senior Lecturer of the Department of Technical Mechanics of S. Seifullin KATU

Advisor of the specialty "Technological machines and equipment" of S. Seifullin KATU


Awards and Honours

- The best civil servant in the field of public services, 2006;

- Letter of thanks for the 55th anniversary of KATU named after S. Seifullin, 2012;

- Medal for the 60th anniversary of S. Seifullin KATU, 2014;

- 3rd place in volleyball among women "Cheerfulness and health", 2014;

- 2nd place in volleyball among women "Cheerfulness and health", 2016;

- 1st place in volleyball among women "Cheerfulness and health", 2017.

Advanced training courses 

- Certificate "Automatic design system Auto CAD". Research and Production Center "Tekhnoresurs". Astana, 2012

- ZERTIFIKATim Rahmen der Zusammenarbeit zum Internationalen Masterstudiengang Agrarmanagement (MBA). Germany, 2013.

- Certificate "Tillage (practice)". Bundesministerrium fur Ernahrung und Landwirtschaft. DAZ Hem AC, 2014.

- Certificate of internship at FSBEI VO "SSAU" at the Department of Mechanics and Computer Graphics, Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization. Russia, 2017.

- Certificate "Modern requirements for the use of test items in the educational process of higher education" Institute for Advanced Studies and Distance Learning, Astana, 2017.

- Certificate "Modern pedagogical technologies in higher education in the context of updated educational content." National Center for Advanced Training "Orleu", 2018.

- Certificate "Electronic library: computer technology in the field of education." Epigraf Publishing House. Almaty, 2019.

- CERTIFICATE workshop was organized in the framework of the Erasmus + are able to explain CLIL in practical terms, using the 4C'S and the Language Triptych and be able to analyze the CLIL approach in content and Language lessons, .Астана, 2019.

- Certificate "Improving the professional competence of the teaching staff of higher education institutions in the transition to the Kazakh alphabet in Latin script." National Center for Advanced Training "Orleu", 2019.

- CERTIFICATE of achievement has successfully completed a 120- hour "GENERAL ENGLISH" course and achieved CEFR level A-2. Astana, 2019.


Author of over 50 scientific papers, including a textbook -1; patents for inventions - 3, scientific articles in databases: KKSON - 6; RSCI - 12; Web of Science, Scopus - 1. The most important areas presented:

  1. Планетарлықастықтазалаушымашинаныңэксперименттікзертханалаққондырғысы, БайшугуловаШ.К., ВЕСТНИККАТУ 1(92) 2017. - г. Астана.
  2. О путях повышения эффективности работы зерноочистительных машин, Байшугулова Ш.К., Есхожин К.Д., Диханова М.Б., ВЕСТНИК ЕНУ №2 (117)/2017 - г. Астана
  3. Астық сапасын жетілдіру, Байшугулова Ш.К., Есхожин К.Д., Диханова М.Б., ВЕСТНИК ГУ им. Шакарима №2 (117) 2017 - г. Семей
  4. Baishugulova Sh. The  Seventh International Cjnference on Eurasian scientific development, november 2015 - Austria, Vienna.                                                 
  5. Астық тазалағыш машинаның жаңа үлгісін негіздеу, Байшугулова Ш.К., Есхожин Д.З., Сборник статей по материалам ХLI международной научно-практической конференции №12 (30) 2015 - г. Москва РФ
  6. Зерноочистительная машина со сложным движением рабочего органа, Есхожин Д.З., Байшугулова Ш.К., Сборник статей по материалам ХI международной  научно-практической конференции  №12 (30) 2015 - г. Ставрополь РФ.
  7. SCOPUS: Theoretical Substantion of a Grain Cleaner with a Compound Motion of the Oheratibg Device, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND SCIENCE EDUCATION-2016. -Vol. 11. - Iss. 18. - P. 11385 -11392.
  8. Теоретические препосылки к обоснованию зерноочистительной машины со сложным движением рабочего органа, Есхожин Д.З., Капов С.Н., Байшугулова Ш.К., ФГБНУ "Российско-научно-исследователький институт информациии технико-экономических исследований по инженерно-техническому обеспечениюагропромышленного комплекса" Материалы  VIII Международной научно-практической конференции "ИнформАгро-2016" Москва РФ.
  9. The theoretical justification for graincleaaning machine, Baishugulova Sh. INTERNANIONAL SCIENTIFIC REVIEW OF THE PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS OF MODERN SCIENCE AND EDUCATION, October 2016 - Boston, USA.
  10. Астық тазалағыш машинаның жұмысшы мүшесін зерттеу, Байшугулова Ш.К., Есхожин Д.З., Сборник статей по материалам ХLI международной научно-практической конференции №3 (33) 2016 - г. Москва РФ
  11. Перспективные технические решения решутного стана зерноочистительных машин, Капов С.Н., Есхожин Д.З., Байшугулова Ш.К., Диханова М.Б., ВЕСТНИК АПК Ставрополя,  №1 (25) 2017 - г. Ставрополь РФ.
  12. Планетарная зерноочистительная машина, Капов С.Н., Есхожин Д.З., Байшугулова Ш.К., Сборник статей по материалам ХIII международной  научно-практической конференции, Апрель 2017 - г. Ставрополь РФ.
  13. Интенсификация способов очистки зерна, Капов С.Н.,Байшугулова Ш.К. Есхожин К.Д., Диханова М.Б., ВЕСТНИК АПК Ставрополя,  №2 (26) 2017 - г. Ставрополь РФ.
  14. Күрделі қопсытқышты теориялық зерттеу нәтижелері, Есхожин Д.З., Ахметов Е.С., Есхожин Қ.Д., Байшугулова Ш.К., Жаксылыкова З.С., ВЕСТНИК КАТУ 4 (99) 2018. - г. Астана