Main / ППС / Kardybai Sauatbek
Kardybai Sauatbek

Kardybai Sauatbek


Master of Engineering Sciences, Assistant of the

department "Technological machines and equipment".

Office: 4513

tel.: 87716665662


Sphere of scientific interests

Automated network in mechanical engineering, integrated production automation, new technologies.

Delivered Disciplines

Failure Analysis and Machine Repair, Machines and equipment for processing of crop products,

Fundamentals of technology processing industries, Metalworking Modeling. 


2007 - 2011

Eurasian National University by specialty" Standardization metrology and certification " (bachelor).

2012 - 2014

Eurasian National University by specialty" Standardization metrology and certification " (Master).

Work experience


Assistant of the department " Standardization metrology and certification " Eurasian National University.

 2015 – till now

Assistant of the department "Technological machines and equipment".



Scientific internship, Central Bohemian University, Prague, Czech Republic (certificate).


 Advanced Qualification Course, Kazakhstan Institute of Standardization and Certification, Astana, Kazakhstan (certificate).


Course Kazakh Agro Technical University named after S. Seifullin, Astana, Kazakhstan (certificate).


Course German Agrarian Center in Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan (certificate).


Course of the Association of Producers of Kazakhstan, Astana , Kazakhstan (certificate).


Course Kazakhstan Scientific and Technical Center for the Development of Housing and Communal Services, Astana , Kazakhstan (certificate).

Published works

  1. Innovative technologies for the production of goods, improving the quality and safety of light industry products: International scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 55th anniversary of Almaty University.-Almaty, 2012.-С. 159-161.
  2. Proceedings of the III International scientific and practical conference Informatization of society, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of L.N. Gumilyov. - Astana, 2012.-С.63-65.
  3. Valikhanov readings-16: materials of the international scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Sh. Ualikhanov Kokshetau State University - Kokshetau, 2012.Т.8.-С61-63.
  4. Valikhanov readings-16: materials of the international scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Kokshetau State University named after Sh. Ualikhanov.-Kokshetau, 2012.Т.8.-С128-132.
  5. International scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of transport and energy and ways of their innovative solution", Astana, 2015.-С.63-67.
  6. L.N. Gumilyov atyndagy Eurasia Ulttyk University, student men zhas galymdardyn "Gylym zhane bilim - 2015" atty X Halykaralyk gylymi conferences, Astana 2015.-b.7247-7249.
  7. S.Seifullin Atyndynda қAZAK AGROTECHANILAK University 60 Zhyldyna Arnalgan “Seyfullin Okulary-13: dәstүrlerdi sabaypa, Bolashakty қru” Atta Republican-Theoriylylys Conference of the Materials 1 volume, 3 Bөlim 35-37 Bet. 2017.
  8. Actual scientific research in the modern world Issue 1 (21) Part 1 Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky, January 2017 Art. 103-106.
  9. Actual scientific research in the modern world Issue 12 (32) Part 1 Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky, December 2017 Art. 104-107.
  10. Actual scientific research in the modern world Issue 1 (33) Part 1 Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky, January 26-27, 2018 Art. 49-54.