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Saden Dinara Askarkyzy

Saden Dinara Askarkyzy


Master of  technical science, assistant

«Technological machines and equipment»

Office 4503, phone: +7 (701)3859305


Sphere of scientific interests

Fundamentals of Robotics, Repair of technological machines, Engineering technology, CNC system.Delivered disciplines Fundamentals of Robotics, Professional Kazakh (Russian) language, Machines and apparatus for processing crop products, CNC system. 


2012-2016 yy.

S.Seifullin Kazakh Agricultural University, engineer, specialty 5B072400 - "Technological machines and equipment ".

2016-2018 yy.

S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University specialty 5M072400-"Technological machines and equipment".


2018-2019 yy.

The department "Technological machines and equipment" laboratory assistant;

2019 y.

Assistant of the Department «Technological machines and equipment».

Advanced training

  • Internship at the Akkol branch of Kazakh Research Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture LLP, 2017 y.;
  • Course, KATU named after S. Seifullin "Innovations in the educational process of higher education", certificate, 2020