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Sagitov Almat Ardakovich

Sagitov Almat Ardakovich


master of technical sciences,

assistant of the Department "Technological machines and equipment"

office  4508, tel.: +7 707 109 00 81


Sphere of scientific interests

Agricultural engineering, tribology, robotics 

Delivered disciplines

Agricultural engineering technology; CAD in mechanical engineering; Cutting theory, cutting tools and equipment; Fundamentals of Robotics; Manipulators and robots.


2008 – 2012

Karaganda State Technical University bachelor in the specialty: 5В071200 - "Mechanical Engineering"

2012 – 2014

Karaganda State Technical University master in the specialty: 6М071200 - "Mechanical Engineering"

2017 – 2020

Karaganda State Technical University PhD in the specialty:  6D071200 - "Mechanical Engineering"

Work experience

 Since 2014

S. Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University - assistant of the department "Technological machines and equipment

Advanced training

- Internship - Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, faculty Engineering, Czech Republic, Prague, 2013

- The course for improving the pedagogical skills of teachers "Innovations in the educational process of higher education", Astana, 2014-2015

- Internship - JSC Gomselmash, Republic of Belarus, Gomel, 2016

- Internship - ETI (branch) SSTU named after Yu.A. Gagarin, Russia, Saratov, 2018

Published works

  1. SIS No. 4273 "Methodology for calculating the design of a multi-blade rotary friction tool in the ANSYS WB environment" dated 06/27/2019
  2. Patent for utility model "Cone mill" No. 21956 dated 06/13/2019 Sherov K.T., Sagitov A.A. and etc.
  3. Patent for utility model "Circular saw" No. 4592 dated 12.11.2019, Sherov K.T., Sagitov A.A. and etc.
  4. Patent for a useful model "Method of rotary-friction turning and design of a cup cutter" No. 4140 dated 04.07.2019, Sherov K.T., Sagitov A.A. and etc.
  5. Patent for invention "Cup rotary-frictional cutter" No. 34106 dated 01/08/2020, Sherov K.T., Sagitov A.A. and etc.
  6. Patent for invention "Device for monitoring the end runout of body parts relative to the axis of the hole" No. 33766 dated 12.07.2019, Sherov K.T., Sagitov A.A. and etc.
  7. Patent for useful model "Device for thermo-friction cutting of metal blanks with pulse cooling" No. 5197 dated 24.07.2020, Sherov K.T., Sagitov A.A. and etc.
  8. Certificate of the author for the invention "Cup rotary-frictional cutter" No. 108247. 2019 (patent number 34106), Sherov K.T., Sagitov A.A. and etc.
  9. The author's certificate for the invention "Circular saw" No. 108274. 2019, Sherov K.T., Sagitov A.A. and etc.
  10. Certificate of the author for the invention "Device for thermo-friction cutting of metal blanks with impulse cooling" №108628 (5197). 2020, Sherov K.T., Sagitov A.A. and etc.
  11. Sherov K.T., Sagitov A.A. "Problems of machining large holes in large parts." - New materials, equipment and technologies in industry: materials of the international scientific and technical conference of young scientists / Ministry of education of the Republic of Belarus, MONRF, Belarus-Ros.univ; editorial board .: I.S. Sazanov-Mogilev: Belarus-Ros.univ., 2018 p. 17
  12. Sherov K.T., Donenbaev B.S., Sagitov A.A. Research of the design of the bearing assembly of rotary tools Russia, "International Journal of Applied and Fundamental Research", No. 8, 2018, p.16-20
  13. Sherov, K.T., Sikhimbayev, M.R., Donenbayev, B.S., Sagitov, A.A., Ainabekova, S.S. “Experimental Research of Rotational-and-Frictional Boring of Big Holes in Large Parts” - Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (Bulgaria), 2017. h-index – 1.
  14. Nasad T, Sherov K, Absadykov B, Tusupova S, Sagitov A, Abdugaliyeva G, Okimbayeva A. "Formation management in parts processing regenerated by surfacing" - News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences, 2019. h-index – 1.
  15. K.T.Sherov, S.S. Anabekova, S.O. Tusupova, A.A. Sagitov, E.B. Imanbaev "Thermofrictional cutting with pulsed cooling" - Russian Engineering Research, 2020 (40), pp. 926-929
  16. Rakishev Asset, Sagitov Almat, Donenbaev Bakytzhan, Sherov Karibek, Tussupova Sayagul, Smakova Nurgul, Mazdubay Asylkhan, Imanbaev Yernat "Calculation of the multi-blade rotary-friction tool's cutting cupped cutter to strength in the Ansys WB surrounding" - Journal of Applied Engineering Science, 2020, vol. 18 (4), pp. 643-648
  17. Sagitov A.A., Sherov K.T., Abdysaly R., Buzauova T.M., Okimbaeva A.E., Sauletov S.R. " Study of the stress state of the most loaded unit of a multifunction rotary-friction tool", Mechanics and Technology No. 3.2020, pp.7-14.