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Sirgetaeva Gulzhan Ermekovna

Sirgetaeva Gulzhan Ermekovna


PhD Doctor, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Technological

Machines and Equipment

office: 4508, tel. cell phone: 8705-154-33-06,

e-mail:, gulzhan_karakeev@mail.tu


Research Interest

Materials science, Technology of Structural Materials, Metallurgy and Heat Treatment of Metals and Alloys; Ferroalloy Production, Powder Metallurgy



Karaganda State Technical University, faculty of Mechanical Engineering, specialty «Metal Science and Heat Treatment of Metals», metallurgical engineer


Master's degree at Karaganda State Technical University, faculty of Mechanical Engineering, specialty «Metallurgy»


Doctoral studies at Karaganda State Technical University, faculty of Mechanical Engineering, specialty «Metallurgy»

Work Experience


Engineer of the Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology of the Mechanical Engineering Faculty of Karaganda State Technical University


Engineer of the Department of Metallurgy, Materials Science and Nanotechnology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Karaganda State Technical University


Assistant at the Department of Metallurgy, Materials Science and Nanotechnology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Karaganda State Technical University


Lecturer at the Department of Nanotechnology and Metallurgy, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Karaganda State Technical University


Senior Lecturer, Department of Transport Engineering and Technology, Technical Faculty, S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University KATRU

from 08/28/2023

senior lecturer of the department «Technological machines and equipment», technical faculty of KATRU

Advanced Training

  1. «Virtual group training using Skype technologies. Experience of using the Cisco Webex platform in an educational environment», KarSTU, Karaganda, 2020
  2. Completion of courses to improve the pedagogical skills of teachers «Innovations in the educational process of higher education», KATRU, Astana, 2020
  3. Advanced training courses on the topic «Modern technologies for the production and repair of transport equipment» in the amount of 72 hours, Kazakhstan Institute of Science and Technology LLP, Pavlodar, 06/20/2022-07/03/2022


  1. SHAYAKHMETOV B.K., ISAGULOV A.Z., BAYSANOV A.S., ISAGULOVA D. Study of the phase composition of burnt ferromanganese ores by nuclear gamma resonance spectroscopy. Metallurgy, Zagreb, Listopad / Prosinac 53 (2014) 2, p. 231-234.
  2. ISAGULOV A.Z., BATYSHEV K.A., MUSIN A.M., ARINOVA S.K. Review of existing methods for beneficiation of low-grade manganese ores. Proceedings of the University, publishing house KSTU, Karaganda, 2016, No. 2, p. 26-28.
  3. ISSAGULOV A.Z., BATYSHEV K.A. Analysis of thermodynamic diagrams of the four-component system Fe-Mn-CO depending on combustion processes. Proceedings of the University, publishing house KSTU, Karaganda, 2016, No. 2, p. 32-36.
  4. BAYSANOV A.S., ISAGULOV A.Z. Analysis of ferromanganese ore reserves in Central Kazakhstan. Of XII International research and practice conference “Science without borders - 2016” (March 30 – April 7), UK, Sheffield, p. 8-11.
  5. BAYSANOV A.S., ISAGULOV A.Z., Musin A.M. Assessment of the suitability of ferromanganese ores of Kazakhstan for metallurgical processing. All-Russian scientific and practical conference “State and prospects for the development of foundry technologies and equipment in the digital era”, Moscow 2016 (May 18), p. 241-245.
  6. BARTENEV I., ISAGULOV A., MAKHAMBETOV E., ROSHIN V., ISAGULOVA D. Study of the microstructure and phase composition of a new complex calcium-containing alloy. Metallurgy, Zagreb, Listopad / Prozinac 55 (2016) 4, p. 727-729
  7. BAISANOV A., ZHOLDUBAEVA ZH., MAZHITOVA L., SMAGULOVA Zh. Metallographic study of ingots of ferroalloys and manganese alloys, smelted from original manganese briquettes, No. 4(140), Almaty, 2020
  8. SIRGETAEVA G.E., BAYSANOV A.S., ZHOLDUBAEVA ZH.D., MAZHITOVA L.A., SMAGULOVA Zh.B. Determination of the optimal temperature regime and roasting time of ferromanganese ores. International scientific conference “Scientific space of Europe”, Poland, April 7-15, 2020
  9. SIRGETAEVA G.E., BALGABEKOV T.K., OSPANOV D.T. About the technology and technological complexes of the non-combine method of harvesting agricultural crops. VI International Scientific and Practical Conference “Priority Directions for the Development of Science and Technology”, 02/22/2021