
Educatopn program "Agrotechnology" - magistracy


Code and classification of the education area: 7M08 – “Agriculture and bioresources”

Code and classification of training direction: 7M081 – “Plant growing”

Awarded degree: the master of agricultural sciences according to the educational program "Agrotechnology"

Duration of study: 2 years (scientific-pedagogical)

Purpose of the educational program: training of specialists in the field of plant growing who are able to formulate and solve modern scientific research and management issues in the professional and educational sphere.

Objectives of the educational program:

  1. To form the graduate's readiness for professional activity, mobility, continuous professional and moral improvement and growth throughout life;
  2. To prepare highly educated and competitive specialists in the field of plant growing in accordance with the existing and prospective needs of the individual, society and the state.
  3. To train masters for the plant industry with in-depth professional and pedagogical training, as well as graduates' adaptation to production and technology, organizational, managerial and pedagogical activities in accordance with the needs of the regional economy and the labor market.

General characteristics of the educational program

   The educational program "Agrotechnology" of the scientific and pedagogical direction of the magistracy was developed in accordance with the National Qualifications Framework and Professional Standards, agreed with the Dublin descriptors and the European Qualifications Framework on the basis of the State Compulsory Standard of Postgraduate Education (Order of the MES RK No. 604 of October 31, 2018) and developed in conjunction with professors at the University of Davis, California, USA.

   The peculiarity of the given program is its orientation to the preparation of graduates who own modern methods of organization of teaching and research work and ready for the professional activity which combines knowledge and competences in the field of general agriculture and crop production. The uniqueness of the educational program is the conducting of practical classes in  professional disciplines directly in the field and laboratory conditions studying agricultural crops, conducting agricultural operations, etc. directly in the field (in the campus of the university).

   The educational program is focused on the formation of basic and professional competencies related to research and practical activities taking into account the requirements of employers and partner universities, as well as the needs and interests of undergraduates.

   Increased fundamental training within the framework of the educational program will allow graduate students to continue their studies in doctoral studies.

   The educational program is designed on the basis of a modular system for the study of disciplines and contains 6 modules that form the basic (general cultural, special language) and professional competencies.

   The volume of this educational program is 120 credits, including: 84 credits - theoretical training (taking into account pedagogical and research practice); 24 credits - research work; 12 credits - final certification

Professional activities:

- local and republican state institutions, as well as various types of agricultural formations (individual, collective, farms, joint-stock companies, limited partnerships, production cooperatives, etc.);

- educational activities in higher, secondary special, vocational and technical educational institutions of agricultural and biological profile, scientific and managerial activities in scientific, industrial institutions, in the apparatus of local, regional, regional, republican structures.

Professional competences:

to know: fundamentals of basic and applied sciences in the field of agriculture and plant growing; general theoretical foundations of zonal farming systems, methodology and methods for conducting scientific research and mathematical processing of its results; scientific foundations of seed production, variety change and variety renewal; bases of technical regulation (standardization and confirmation of conformity) and requirements for quality and safety of crop products;

to be able to: to formulate and substantiate conclusions, to draw up proposals in the field of agriculture and plant growing; conduct a patent search within the research area; to regulate the living conditions of plants in farming systems using agricultural technologies; apply acquired knowledge of the basics of product quality for practical work on the documentation, examination and confirmation of compliance of crop products; plan, plant and conduct field experiments; keep records; apply the results of statistical processing of scientific data to carry out scientific, put into practice the theoretical knowledge of agronomy.

to be competent in: the practical use of in-depth knowledge in the field of scientific agronomy; application of modern cultivation technologies; the employees should be in charge of the group with the acceptance of responsibility for the result of their actions at the site of the technological process.