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Automation and energy efficiency of processes and production

Automation and energy efficiency of processes and production

bachelor of engineering and technology 

The purpose of the educational program 6B071 "Аutomation and energy efficiency of processes and production" is to create conditions for effective educational process for the formation and development of personal, socio-cultural, general engineering and professional competencies in the field of automation, management and energy efficiency of processes and production. 


Automation of technological processes and production characterizes the level of industrial and technical progress of industry, transport, agriculture, etc. Currently and in the future, industry, economy, education will be subject to large-scale and widespread introduction of digitalization, the basis of which is the automation of technological processes and production. The main goal is to increase productivity, safety, environmental friendliness and efficiency, improve the quality of products and services, improve the reliability and accuracy of production.

In addition, resource conservation and energy efficiency are one of the strategic objectives of any state of the XXI century. The efficiency of industry, transport, agriculture largely depends on the energy costs of their work, so new and existing facilities that need thermal and electric energy should introduce modern and promising methods and technologies, use new equipment and equipment. In order to reduce the negative impact of traditional energy and improve the environmental situation, Kazakhstan actively uses renewable energy sources, which corresponds to the priority state tasks.

The creation of a complex of software and hardware tools for managing various processes within the technology, production, enterprise requires the training of high-level specialists and knowledge on a wide range of issues. Of course, to solve such problems of a particular technological process or production, specialists are needed who will conduct a system analysis, create and implement complex projects for automation, energy efficiency and energy saving, development of "green" energy. This educational program is aimed at creating conditions for the training of such specialists. 

Competitive advantage

  • This educational program covers the profiles of training "Energy saving and renewable energy sources", "Energy management and audit", "Automation of technological processes", one of which the student chooses according to their preferences.
  • The University has been training electricity specialists for more than 50 years. Profile of training in automation begins its history with the opening of the specialty "electrification and automation of agriculture."
  • Experienced scientists and teachers train future specialists, preserving and developing rich traditions at the Department and faculty.
  • Profiles of training "energy Saving and renewable energy sources", "Energy management and audit" developed with the support of international projects of the European Union Tempus "Development of the bachelor's program "Energy management" and "Implementation of quality management system of e-learning in Universities of Central Asia."
  • All profile disciplines are provided with modern laboratory facilities (Siemens, Schneider Electric, Danfoss, Festo, Edibon, Arduino, Educational equipment, etc.), there is a scientific training ground for wind power and solar power, a training center for energy saving and energy audit, a specialized laboratory of renewable energy sources.
  • Full multimedia equipment of all classrooms with audio and video recording to control the quality of the educational process and ensure the safety of students.
  • Full provision of educational and methodical materials in the state and Russian languages for classroom and independent work.
  • A stable base of practices and employment, close relationship with potential employers and their participation in the development of curricula, programs of special disciplines.
  • Profiles of preparation of this educational program are annually evaluated by independent organizations: according to the results of the evaluation of the National chamber of entrepreneurs "Atameken" took 2nd place, according to the National Agency for accreditation and rating the program in 2017 took 1st place, in 2018 - 3rd place, according to the National rating on innovation and academic excellence "Kazakhstan 2050" in 2017 - 2nd place, according to the Independent Kazakhstan Agency for quality assurance in education in 2016 - 2nd place. 

The potential of the profession (office)

  • Engineer of instrumentation and automation.
  • Engineer for automation and mechanization of production processes.
  • Engineer for automated process control systems.
  • Programmer-developer.
  • Circuit engineer / designer / designer / electrician / power engineer.
  • Testing and operational engineer.
  • Calculation and mode engineer.
  • Senior dispatcher.
  • Master of the production area.
  • Head of laboratory / shift / service / site. 

Areas of professional activity

  • Automation of hydrodynamic processes: washing, separation, changing.
  • Automation of thermal processes: heating and cooling.
  • Automation of mechanical processes: transportation, moving, sorting, cleaning, grinding, cutting, dosing, etc.
  • Automation of electrical processes: lighting, irradiation, electrical technology, power supply.
  • Control of pumping, compressor and fan installations.
  • Control of machines with numerical control, industrial robots and manipulators.
  • Algorithms, control and management systems, data transmission and storage systems.
  • Microprocessors and microcontrollers.
  • Control and measuring systems.
  • Production, transmission and distribution of heat and electricity.
  • Energy saving and management of energy resources consumption at the enterprise.
  • Energy management and enterprise audit.
  • Energy efficiency of processes and production.
  • Energy saving programs and their implementation.
  • Wind, solar, bio and hydro power plants.
  • Use of renewable sources, their energy and economic efficiency.
  • Lighting equipment and light sources. 

Base of professional practices and employment

Agrofirm "Rodina" bayserke-agro, Kazakh research Institute of mechanization and electrification of agriculture, Akmola electricity distribution company, Astana - regional electric grid company, Kyzylorda electricity distribution company, electrical plant Astana, Mangistau branch of the backbone network, AST Technology, Astana ally Zharyk, a New system of Teplolyuks, LCD Stroyenergoservice, RTD, Energy service, Energy Consulting Group, Laim Group Astana, General plan of KZ, the Corporation Astana Kurylys Engineering.


Personnel potential


Academic degree, title


% degree of maturity

Sarsikeyev Ye.Zh.

doctor PhD

Development of automated control systems for energy and production facilities based on neural networks and fuzzy logic, automation of processes.


Issenov S. S.

candidate of technical sciences, associate professor

Development of microprocessor control systems for multi-motor electric drives of industrial plants, ensuring sustainable and energy-efficient modes of operation

Zhumagulov K.K.

doctor of technical sciences, professor

Design of electromechanical energy converters. The study of electromagnetic compatibility of electrical equipment.

Babko A. N.

candidate of technical sciences, associate professor

Development of lighting and irradiation systems in electrotechnological processes, energy surveys, development of legal framework for the use of electricity.

Pyastolova I. A.

candidate of technical sciences, associate professor

Control and diagnostics of electrical equipment parameters, management of reliability of power supply systems, development and justification of decen-trated power supply projects.

Shukraliev M. A.

candidate of technical sciences, associate professor

Research and justification of energy efficiency measures in the field of industry and housing, development of legal framework in the field of energy and energy efficiency

Akimzhanov T. B.

doctor PhD

Development and justification of energy saving measures in industry, housing and communal services and agriculture, energy audit, implementation of energy management.

Gerasimenko T. S.

candidate of technical sciences

Research and modeling of modes of operation of electrical networks and electrical equipment, creation of methods for calculating power losses in transformers, power lines, electric motors.

Zhantlessova A.B

doctor PhD

Development of software and hardware automation systems, design of SCADA systems.


Zhumazhanov S. K.

candidate of technical sciences

Research and formation of stable modes of operation of electrical networks and electrical equipment, improving energy efficiency of the use of EE in electric drives and electrical technologies.

Tleuova A. A.

candidate of technical sciences

Development of Autonomous energy supply systems on the basis of renewable energy sources, evaluation of technical and economic indices of projects of decentralized energy supply.