
Classification code of education: 6В05- “Natural Sciences, mathematics and statistics”

Code and classification training areas: 6В051-"Biological and related Sciences"

Code in the International standard classification of education: 0510

Qualification: bachelor of science in the educational program "Biotechnology" 

Duration of training: 4 years

  1. Purpose of the educational program- training of competitive labour market, a new generation of specialists with a wide fundamental knowledge and practical experience who able to adapt to changing labor market demands and technologies that meet the requirements of employers.

Objectives of the educational program:

  1. Formation of the basic professional competence of future specialists in the direction of biotechnology attracting employers and business partners.
  2. The creation of prerequisites for independent search and research activity of students within carrying out experiment at all stages;
  3. Ability to work with scientific and technical information, to use domestic and foreign experience in professional activity, to systematize and generalize the received information.
  4. General characteristics of the educational program (relevance, characteristics, competitive advantages, uniqueness, stakeholders, etc.)

"Biotechnology" is one of the most promising areas of education today not only in Kazakhstan but throughout the world. Creation of new food products, development of veterinary biologics, and diagnostics, enzymes, food supplements, feed additives for farm animals and birds, protection of the environment is one of the most pressing issues on a global scale, the solution of which is impossible without the use of the knowledge and techniques of biotechnology. Therefore, the profession of biotechnologist combines professions like microbiologist, virologist, immunologist, chemist, pharmacist-analyst, technologist-food technologist, plant breeder-bioengineer. Professionals similar to the professional level are considered valuable workers. They are needed for pharmaceutical, food, veterinary and food processing industries.

The educational program "Biotechnology" was developed in accordance with The NQF and professional standards, in accordance with the Dublin descriptors and the European frame of qualifications on the basis of the State obligatory standard of higher education, approved by order of the Minister of education and science of Kazakhstan from October 31, 2018 (no. 604) and in accordance with the classifier of areas of education and training with higher and postgraduate education (Approved by order of MES RK №569от 13 Oct 2018 

The peculiarity of the educational program:

  • EP developed in conjunction with representatives of production, specialists research centers.
  • Participated highly qualified faculty. About 65% of teaching staff have scientific degrees PhD, candidate and doctor of Sciences.
  • Training in multilingual groups and on the dual technology, i.e., the theoretical part of classes is held in the auditoriums of the University and practical classes are held on the basis of manufacturing enterprises.
  • Every course provides for the acquisition of practical experience, including practical training and dual training in large manufacturing organizations breeding companies the leading Republican, national research centers and laboratories.
  • The presence of the research platform "Agricultural biotechnology", where students have the opportunity to do the analysis of the basic structured biological products; to define the main components of raw materials and finished products; to develop and implement new biotechnological processes to examine the problems of source material for breeding plants, animals and microorganisms to explore aspects of selection of microorganisms, animals, plants; the experimental study of the properties and processes of vital activity of biological objects.
  • To continue training in a magistracy and doctoral studies abroad.
  • The existence of a social package for students (accommodation in student dormitories, cafeterias, student health center, the presence of own store and pharmacy for students Competitive advantages of this study program are the following.

The uniqueness of the program is the mastery of the skills of undergraduate laboratory equipment in the biology lab, sampling of biological material cultivation of microorganisms and data analysis of microbiological indicators, research in the field of diagnostics (ELISA, PCR and others)the study of gene functions and DNA analysis create moleculargenetic structures, obtaining biotechnology products, molecular biological research.

Features, competitive advantages

  • highly skilled and relatively young faculty (the percentage is about 70% );
  • high material and technical equipment of the educational program (there is a NIP "Agricultural biotechnology");
  • instruction in three languages (state, Russian and English);
  • implemented dual education technology;
  • implemented the program of external and internal mobility of MES RK.
  • established close relationship with employers and alumni;
  • 100% provision of hostel accommodation to stay during training;
  • the presence of the military Department and the medical center;
  • the presence of social pharmacy and store for students. 

The major stakeholders of OP are:

  1. RSE "Republican collection of microorganisms" KN MES;
  2. RSE "National Center for Biotechnology", MES RK,
  3. LLP Scientific-production enterprise "Antigen";
  4. Department expert forensics and molecular biology of the Ministry of internal Affairs of RK;
  5. Pprompererabotka enterprises of NGO "Atameken";
  6. RSE "ASYL TLC";
  7. Research institutes and centers of Kazakhstan;
  8. District and regional breeding station, plant protection station;
  9. Enterprises of microbiological, biochemical, food industry (bakeries, dairies and meat processing plants, Breweries, confectioneries, etc.);
  10. Chemical plants and laboratories to monitor the quality and safety of agricultural products;
  11. Faculty, students, parents, persons equated with them and relatives of students;
  12. Competence model (portrait) of the graduate

3.1 Areas of professional activities

The sphere of professional activity bachelor educational program "Biotechnology" is support for the development of biotechnological processes and production biotechnology; organization of biotechnological methods in breeding of microorganisms, animals and plants.

Graduates who have mastered the educational program "Biotechnology" can work: in companies, research institutions, engaged in agriculture, agriculture, food industry, processing of agricultural raw materials primarily using microorganisms, enzymes, cell cultures of plants and animals; health care; chemical, environmental, pharmaceutical and biochemical industry.

Graduates of this specialty acquires extensive experience in General biological Sciences, emphasizing basic concepts of molecular genetics and genetic engineering, molecular biology, cellular biotechnology and recombinant DNA technology, biotechnological system for animals, plants and microorganisms and successfully enter a graduate degree in molecular biology, genetics, biochemistry, veterinary medicine, and the science of plants and animals.

Professional competence

to know and understand: To know and understand: the current state of various branches of biotechnology, the nature and diversity of, morphology, physiology, biochemistry, genetics and ecology of a different objects biotechnology industries; the practical use of the objects of biotechnology in the production activity, the basicss quality management for the production of biotechnological products; the laws RK region biotechnology and legal documents on Biosafety features of research work; device equipment of various biotechnology and General biological processes; the method of preparation and control of culture media; the main objects, methods and principles of production, a variety of technologies biotechnology industries and their corresponding instrumentation; the research direction of cell biotechnology and basic criteria for the application of biotechnology in production, methods of cultivation of cells and tissues, the use of cellular biotechnology and bionanotechnology, the principle of operation and requirements for equipment used in biotechnology, biotechnology of microorganisms and animals; the complex of special disciplines for the solution of applied problems of biotechnology; specific production requirements biotechnology modern state, problems and prospects of development of biotechnology.

to be able to: to analyze the economic situation in agricultural, food processing, medical, veterinary and environmental biotechnology; be able to analyze and forecast the demand and for market biotechnological products; to use modern devices and equipments, professionally preparing the nutrient medium for the cultivation of various objects of biotechnology to practically reproduce the technology of obtaining the target products; apply a variety of methodological approaches; to plan and conduct the breeding work in animal husbandry and crop production using modern biotechnology methods. animals; to analyze scientific and technical information on methods of cellular technologies in the agricultural sector; to present the results of a scientific experiment and results in the form of reports, abstracts, presentations at conferences and forums; to substantiate its own assessment of what is happening in the social and productive sectors; use of immunological, biochemical, molecular genetic, breeding, statistical and other methods for biological and related Sciences in the creation of effective diagnostic, therapeutic and preventive drugs and feed additives.

to have skills: team work in a team, to analyze and interpret the obtained results based on research, by integrating knowledge of fundamental or applied areas of biotechnology. Using practical skills of organization of research and design work with the use of objects to operate basic biotechnology equipment and fundamental instruments  of biotechnology, to decide questions regarding the collection, analysis and forming conclusions; onto achievements the world of science and advanced technology in the field of molecular biology and genetics and genetic engineering molecular biotechnology; independently organize and conduct scientific research using modern methods of analysis at the molecular, cellular, organismal and population levels. 

4 Base the apprentice ship 

Educational practice.
1. Laboratory of Microbiology and Virology at the Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology
2. Research platform "Agricultural Biotechnology" S.Seifullin KATU

Production and undergraduate practice.
1. RSE "Republican collection of microorganisms" MES RK;
2. "National Center for Biotechnology" KN MES RK;
3. LLP Scientific-Production Enterprise "Antigen;
4. LLP "ProfDezGarant" Mangystau region, Aktau
5. JSC "RCW" Asyl Tulik Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
6. District and regional breeding stations;
7. Colleges of biological direction;
8. LLP "Tribal farming Zerenda";
9. Millina Food Production LTD, Mangistau region;
10. RSE at RVP “National Center for Expertise”, Atyrau region;
11. “Ice” LLP, Aktobe region;
12. LLP "Scientific and Innovation Center of Veterinary Medicine and Livestock"
13. CGP at PCV "Pavlodar Regional Cardiology Center";
14. State Unitary Enterprise “Central Hospital of the city of Karazhal”;
15. Atyrau Oil Refinery LLP.
16. NPC "Agricultural Biotechnology"
17. "Stolichny" dairy factory LLP
18. “Ayan M” dairy factory LLP
19. JSC “Astana Onim” Akmola region
20. Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan Operational and Forensic Department Laboratory "Molecular Genetic Laboratory
21. “Gormolzavod” LLP, Kokshetau
22. Caspian Desalination Plant LLP, Mangistau region, Aktau
23. JSC "National Center for Expertise and Certification" Nur-Sultan
24. "Kazakh Academy of Nutrition" Almaty
25. RSE at PHVNCE KOOZ MH RK,Akmola region, Kokshetau.