Design (master)

Code and classification of the field of education: 7M02- “Art and humanities”

Code and classification of training areas: 7M021- “Art”

Код в Международной стандартной  классификации образования: 0210

Qualification: Master of Arts in Education 7M-0721 - "Design"

Duration of study: 2 years 

The purpose of the educational program "Design":

The development of students' personal qualities, the formation of general cultural, professional and professional competencies, the development of skills for their implementation in professional activities.

The design of the educational environment of creative universities is one of the urgent problems facing the Kazakhstani higher education system as part of the process of adaptation to rapidly changing conditions and the development of multi-level training for undergraduate designers as a condition for the formation of professional competencies of students. Modern education and design education in particular should not only influence the development of personality, but also consider a person as a core value. One of the main tasks of such an education is to ensure the most favorable conditions for self-development of the individual, development of creative potential.

The main objectives of the educational master's program are:

  • to provide a full and high-quality scientific and pedagogical education, to form professional competence, to deepen theoretical and practical, as well as individual training of undergraduates in the field of technical curriculum.
  • ensure the development of fundamental courses guaranteeing professional mobility at the intersection of sciences;
  • contribute to the acquisition of skills to participate in scientific events at various levels, the continuation of scientific training in doctoral studies. 

General characteristics of the educational program

The educational program in the specialty “Design” was developed in accordance with the National Qualifications Framework and professional standards, agreed with the Dublin Descriptors and the European Qualifications Framework, on the basis of the State Compulsory Higher Education Standard, Master's program approved by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 31, 2018 No. 604). The Bologna process is a process of rapprochement and harmonization of the education systems of European countries in order to create a single European value space of higher education. The result of this rapprochement, first of all, should be the possibility of continuous education, updated and improved throughout life, which is especially important for a specialist designer working in a rapidly changing, developing technogenic world.

Education at the Department of Architecture and Design is concentrated on creative disciplines aimed at developing special thinking and individual vision of undergraduates. The emphasis in the training program for undergraduate designers is made mainly on its diversity: undergraduates are taught to develop critical thinking skills and subsequently apply them to solve the contradictions of the modern world. Here they deal not only with design issues, but also pay special attention to environmental problems and humanitarian crises.

The main goal of the educational institution is to provide graduate students with a high level of education, the transfer of knowledge that will make them true professionals in the field of architectural designAll this is achieved through ongoing training, research and mutual cooperation with industrial and architectural design enterprises. In the training laboratories that form a single network, students study the effects of globalization and conduct their own research. The total number of credits for this educational program is 120 credits, of which: the total number of credits for theoretical training is 75 credits, research practice (all types of practices) - 9 credits, research work of a graduate student, including internships and master's thesis - 24 credit, Registration and defense of the master's thesis - 12 credits.

Types of professional activity for which graduates who have mastered the master's program are preparing:

project activities:

  • development and management of development projects for the creation, transformation, preservation and future development of the spatial domain and its components, including innovative (conceptual), interdisciplinary and specialized nature;

research activities:

  • fundamental and applied research in the field of environmental design, environmental design, architectural and design education.

communicative activity:

  •  visualization and presentation of design solutions, protection of design materials;

organizational and management activities:

  • knowledge of modern management and marketing methods, planning, organizing and managing the work of creative teams, making consolidated decisions in the context of pluralism;

critical and expert activity:

  • generalization and analysis of the experience in the development and implementation of architectural and urban planning solutions, preparation of feedback on design and research proposals, regulatory materials for design, control of design documentation;

teaching activities:

  • the creation, justification and implementation of socially significant models and programs of architectural and design education, the development of innovative methods and means of professional education. 

Professional competencies

A graduate who has mastered the master's program should have professional competencies corresponding to the type of professional activity that the master's program is oriented to:

project activities:

  •  readiness for complex architectural and design design of the main types and forms of the architectural environment for various purposes and nature;
  • the ability to effectively use materials, structures, technologies, engineering systems in the development of architectural and design solutions, conduct their economic feasibility, additional research related to the search for improving environmental, compositional, artistic, technological and other qualities of the subject-spatial environment.

 research activities:

  • the ability to conduct integrated applied and fundamental research and justify conceptually new design ideas, solutions and strategies for project activities;
  • artistic and aesthetic activity:
  • knowledge of the basics of the world plastic culture, the ability to creatively accumulate knowledge in design activities and display design situations using art-graphic and plastic techniques;

communicative activity:

  • ability to present the results of design work and scientific research at a modern level;

organizational and management activities:

  • proficiency in administrative, managerial and communicative work methods, coordination of design and coordination work, interaction with related specialists, public and state organizations;

critical and expert activity:

  • the ability to summarize, analyze and critically evaluate architectural and spatial objects, architectural and design solutions, draw conclusions, reviews and recommendations for their improvement;

teaching activities:

  • the ability to transfer architectural and design experience and the implementation of pedagogical activities at various stages of preparation and stages of professional retraining.