
SPECIALTY of "Economics"
Qualifications - Bachelor of Economics and Business
Duration of training - 4 years
Full-time form of education

Brief description of the knowledge application:

Economist - a specialist in the implementation of the economic activity of the enterprise, whose work is aimed at improving the efficiency and profitability of production, product quality and development of new species, to achieve high results with optimal use of material, labor and financial resources.

Economist knowledge concept allows us to develop activities in new areas, such as: efficient use of natural resources, precision agriculture, resource and energy conservation, alternative energy, green economy, space exploration, the development of new materials, robotics, biotechnology and others.

Brief description of skills:

Economist’s responsibilities depend on the specifics of the company.

Graduates of specialty 5B050600 - Economics in demand of large organizations and institutions of Astana and other cities of Kazakhstan like: "Kazagromarketing", "KazAgroFinance", AF "Rodina", the Ministry of Agriculture, Research Institute of "Economics of AIC and the PCT" and others. In addition, many graduates are governors of regions and districts or heads of national companies.

Program Summary:

The relevance of the educational program "Modern economy" in the specialty 5B050600 - "bachelor in Economics" due to the growing demand for economists - professionals in the planning of activities in enterprises, organizations and various forms of ownership management.

The ultimate goal of the program is training direction specialty requires a clear focus on the future, which manifests itself in the possibility of building their education, considering the success in personal and professional activities, satisfying the requirements of employers.

Link to WC (Working curriculum) or any other document, which describes in detail the contents of the program.

Link to elective subjects available in the program.

Contacts: PhD and Associate Professor Meleshenko Nadezhda, Head of the "Economics" Department, tel: 39-59-27


SPECIALTY: 6M050600 «Economics»
Qualification - master of economic sciences
Training term - 2 years
Full-time form of education

Brief description of the knowledge application:

Graduates acquire professional leadership skills that are useful for the further development of his personal career and they will apply knowledge in predicting the direction of economic development of the country, to carry out research and teaching activities, to use the acceptance methods of administrative decisions, think strategically as a socially responsible leader in the field of economics, as an expert in the field management.

Brief description of skills:

Graduates will have the skills possession of general scientific methodology and logic of scientific technology - research, conduct an independent research project, to analyze teaching and educational situations, to identify and solve educational problems. Doctoral students strengthen skills such as the ability to plan the work, focusing on the result; ability to make decisions and take responsibility for them; ability to work in the information space; Skill analytical activity, presentation of their work; reflection skill and self-education.

Summary of the 6M050600 «Economics»program:

The content of the educational doctorate program in the specialty of 6M050600 «Economics" specialization "Agricultural Economics" comprise subjects such as:"Methodology of Economic Research", "The course of Applied Econometrics and methods of optimization," "Business Innovation and Investment", "Organization of agribusiness" and others. This allows you to acquire competence in matters of the Republic of Kazakhstan in economic reforms, areas of economic development of the country and in matters teaching procedureof economic disciplines.

Contacts: PhD Tolysbayeva Marzhan Sovetbekovna, Head of the "Economics" Department, tel: 39-59-27

"Economics and organization of agroindustrial complex" - doctoral studies

Qualification: Doctor of Philosophy PhD in the educational program 8D04102 "Economics and organization of agriculture"

Duration of training: 3 (scientific and pedagogical)

Form of study: full-time

Brief description of the field of application of knowledge

The educational program for the preparation of a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) under the educational program 8D04102 "Economics and organization of agriculture" has a scientific and pedagogical orientation and involves fundamental educational, methodological and research training and in-depth study of disciplines in economics for the system of higher and postgraduate education and the scientific sphere.

The purpose of the educational program is to prepare PhD doctors of international level for scientific and pedagogical work in the field of developing theoretical and methodological provisions for the analysis of economic processes and systems, as well as professional activities related to the application and improvement of methods of modeling and forecasting economic and production processes in an innovative economy.

Professional competencies

The educational program allows doctoral graduates to acquire competencies in the field of scientific activity in conditions of constant updating of knowledge and modernization of society, qualified and creative analysis of modern problems of economics and management, in organizing and conducting their own and joint research projects, setting urgent tasks and expanding the boundaries of scientific research on economic problems, in understanding the principles of building and improving educational programs in the field of economics, in economic, social, legal and communication aspects of business and management.

Brief description of skills

Graduates of the doctoral program are the most sought-after specialists with a systematic vision of economic problems, able to identify commercial opportunities for the application and implementation of research results, conduct an examination of research problems, and effectively manage knowledge-intensive projects.

Doctoral studies are conducted by highly qualified teaching staff, including invited foreign professors from leading foreign universities. Doctoral students will be trained in the most modern methods of economic analysis.  The organization of research activities is built in close contact with leading domestic and foreign scientists.

Program summary

1) theoretical training, including the study of a cycle of basic and core disciplines;

2) practical training of doctoral students: various types of professional practices, scientific internships;

3) research work, including the execution of a doctoral dissertation;

4) intermediate and final attestations.

The PhD program closely cooperates with scientific and public organizations, research institutes and educational institutions of Kazakhstan, near and far abroad.

As part of the training, the individual work plan of a doctoral student for familiarization with innovative technologies and new types of production provides for mandatory scientific internship in scientific organizations, including abroad.

Contacts of the adviser or a person to whom you can contact with additional questions: Okutaeva Saule Tolegenovna, adviser, 87752642682,