Area Code and Classification: 7M08 – “Agriculture and Bioresources”
Code and classification of training areas: 7M081- “Crop production”
Awarded degree: Master of Agricultural Sciences in "Phytosanitary monitoring" educational program.
Duration of study: 2 years
The purpose of the "Phytosanitary monitoring" educational program - the development of professional personal qualities among undergraduates , as well as the formation of scientific, pedagogical and professional competencies in accordance with the requirements of training a specialist in the field of plant growing and employers who meet the requirements.
Objectives of the educational program :
- scientific, pedagogical and practical work related to the activities of the department, carrying out the preparation of undergraduates;
- training specialists with a high level of professional culture who are able to form and solve scientific, practical and educational problems in a timely manner at the intersection of sciences, successfully carry out research and management activities in various agricultural research institutions and organizations, teach in universities, secondary special and secondary technical educational institutions agricultural profile;
- acquisition of skills for organizing and conducting research on phytosanitary security and obtaining the necessary reserve for continuing research in PhD doctoral studies;
- development of the ability to self-improvement and self-development, the needs and skills of independent creative mastering new knowledge throughout their active life activities;
- obtaining the necessary minimum knowledge in the field of university pedagogy and psychology, practical experience of teaching in universities, secondary technical educational institutions of agricultural profile.
General characteristics of the educational program
The educational program " Phytosanitary monitoring " has been created based on the request of employers due to the increased need for specialists who will have general cultural, professional and core competencies in plant protection, contributing to its social mobility and demand in the labor market.
The educational program "Phytosanitary monitoring" in the direction of training: 7M081 Crop production was developed in accordance with the National Qualifications Framework and professional standard in plant protection and quarantine activities (Order of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 21, 2014 No. 20/58), agreed with the Dublin Descriptors of the European Qualifications Framework.
The educational program is designed on the basis of a modular system for the study of disciplines and consists of 5 modules. Total 120 credits provided, of which 84 credits allocated to training t In theory, n and research work and practice - 24 credit as well, on the final assessment of 12 credit s.
Field of professional activity
Subdivisions of the State Institution “Committee of State Inspection in the Agro-Industrial Complex of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, Republican State Institution (RSU) “Republican Methodological Center for Phytosanitary Diagnostics and Forecasts” of the OIG in the AIC of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan and its regional and regional branches, Republican State Enterprise (RSE) “ Phytosanitary "OIG in the agroindustrial complex of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Republican Center of Plant Quarantine and branches, regional and district departments of agriculture, large. Medium and small agricultural groups engaged in the cultivation of agricultural crops, various companies and companies for the production and sale of pesticides and bioagents. About education in higher, secondary special vocational and technical educational institutions of agricultural and biological profile, scientific and management activities in research and production institutions, in the apparatus of local, regional, regional, republican structures.
Professional competencies
To know the current state and future development of plant protection and quarantine in Kazakhstan, as well as world achievements in this field of science; scientific methods of managing the phytosanitary condition of agrocenosis; the scientific basis of the experimental techniques in the protection and quarantine of plants; the main stages of the planning of research work on plant protection and quarantine;regulatory and legal framework of the quarantine service; the list of quarantine objects in relation to which state measures on plant quarantine are established and implemented; modern biotechnological methods in plant protection . Do u plan, organize and conduct research on plant protection and quarantine; to use modern instruments, equipment and computer equipment in research; to carry out phytosanitary monitoring and phytosanitary measures against pests, as well as to predict the mass reproduction and distribution of highly dangerous objects ; conduct a quarantine examination, laboratory examination and phytosanitary certification of imported and exported quarantine products; use modern methods of biotechnology in plant protection ; conduct classes on the subject of plant protection and quarantine.
And Met skills with modern techniques and methods of protection and quarantine using environmentally friendly technologies; modern methods of conducting laboratory and field experiments on plant protection; modern methods of phytosanitary examination of crops and diagnostics harmful organisms, including quarantine objects; main methods of statistical processing of research results using computers and computer equipment; methods of disinfection of regulated products, as well as vehicles; teaching activities in the field of plant protection and quarantine . B yt competent in carrying out research work on the protection and quarantine of plants; in the use of modern instruments and equipment; in the application of biotechnological methods in plant protection; in the quarantine examination and laboratory examination of imported and exported quarantine products; in conducting classes on the protection and quarantine of plants.
Почетный профессор Казахского национального аграрного университета. Карьера. 1979 г. — Кайрат Айтуганов начал работать оператором цеха перевозки Кокчетавского почтамта. 1984-1985 гг. — ассистент кафедры почвоведения Целиноградского сельхозинститута. 1987-1989 гг. — агроном, старший агроном, главный экономист совхоза Карабулакский Зерендинского р-йона Кокчетавской обл.