Education area code and classification:
8D07-Engineering, manufacturing and construction industries
Code and classification of training areas:
8D073-Architecture and construction
Code in the International standard classification of education: 0730
Qualification: doctor of philosophy PhD in the educational program "Cadastre»
Term of study: 3 years (scientific and pedagogical)
The objectives of the educational program training of competitive scientific and pedagogical personnel in the specialty "Cadastre", with professional and scientific competencies and skills of their implementation in the system of higher and postgraduate education and research in the field of cadastre and regulation of land relations.
Objectives of the educational program:
- study and research of problems in the field of land cadastre development and formation of real estate cadastre in Kazakhstan;
- determination of the effectiveness of the land cadastre and real estate cadastre at the level of administrative and territorial entities, socio-economic research of modern management processes in the region on the basis of the formation of a single information space;
- formation and development of the unified information system (real estate cadastre) of Kazakhstan,
- formation of the real estate cadastre data Bank at different administrative and territorial levels;
- development of methodology of management system of land and property complex, models and methods of optimization of information support of management of territories, objects of GKN in real time system,
- development of methods of technical and technological support of Informatization of real estate cadastre and land monitoring.
General characteristics of the educational program
The relevance of the presented materials is predetermined by numerous requests of employers in graduates of this specialty. It meets all the training requirements of a modern PhD.
Areas of professional activity
Public authorities, organizations and firms of various forms of ownership, second-level banks, educational institutions of higher and secondary education.
Professional competence:
- after completing the OP "Cadastre" the student will:
- qualified researcher who is able to independently conduct research in the field of cadastre and regulation of land relations, possess the methodology of scientific analysis and thinking, scientific and methodological approaches and methods of decision-making and their implementation in practice;
- to be able to identify and competently solve practical and professional problems in the field of cadastre and land management;
- to know and understand the main approaches to the formation of spatial data; the main functions, structure, technology of creation and development of spatial data infrastructure, taking into account the peculiarities of Informatization and digitalization in the Republic of Kazakhstan in order to improve land relations;
- able to contribute on the basis of scientific research, expanding the scope of existing knowledge by developing schemes for planning the development and development of settlements, improving the organization of land cadastre works based on geoinformation technologies;
- possess knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of economic and legal regulation of land relations, land resources management and real estate, taking into account the characteristics of the market economy and its capabilities;
- to know and understand the current trends of land policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, to be able to assess the current problems and prospects of socio-economic development of Kazakhstan and to develop proposals to find solutions based on scientific research.