Code and classification of the field of education: 7M08 "Agriculture and biological resources".
Code and classification of the areas of training: 7M082 "Livestock".
Awarded degree: Master of Agricultural Sciences in the EP “Feed and Feeding of Farm Animals”.
Duration of study: 2 years (scientific and pedagogical direction).
The purpose of the educational program: the training of highly competitive scientific and pedagogical personnel, civil servants, production specialists in the field of livestock technology with in-depth training in feeding farm animals.
The objectives of the educational program:
General characteristics of the educational program:
The educational program “Feed and feeding of farm animals” of the scientific and pedagogical direction of the magistracy is developed in accordance with the National Qualifications Framework and professional Standards, agreed with the Dublin Descriptors and the European Qualifications Framework, on the basis of the State Compulsory Standard for Postgraduate Education (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science RK No. 604 dated October 31, 2018), and was developed jointly with professors at Davis University, California, USA.
The peculiarity of the current program is its orientation towards preparing graduates for professional activities, which combines knowledge and competencies in the field of feed and feeding farm animals, owning modern methods of organizing pedagogical and research work.
The uniqueness of the educational program is - the practical training of professional disciplines directly in the basic farms and laboratory conditions, studying animals of different species and breeds, conducting a study of the technology of keeping, feeding directly on the territory of the enterprise.
The educational program is focused on the formation of basic and professional competencies related to research and practice, taking into account the requirements of employers and partner universities, as well as the needs and interests of undergraduates.
Enhanced fundamental training in the framework of the educational program will allow graduate students to continue their studies in doctoral studies.
The educational program is designed on the basis of a modular system for studying disciplines and contains 6 modules that form the basic (general cultural, special language) and professional competencies.
OP includes 120 credits (3600 hours) of training, including: 84 credits (1920 hours) - of theoretical training, 24 credits (720 hours) - of research work and 12 credits (360 hours) - of the final certification. In this case, the undergraduate must master 25 credits (990 hours) for the university component and 35 credits (930 hours) for the optional component.
Areas of professional activity:
The scope of professional activity are:
Professional competencies
know: the basics of fundamental and applied sciences in the field of feed and feeding of farm animals; general theoretical principles of feeding farm animals, the methodology and methods for conducting scientific research and mathematical processing of its results; scientific foundations of livestock industries (livestock, sheep, poultry); fundamentals of technical regulation (standardization and confirmation of compliance) and requirements for quality, safety of livestock products.
be able to: formulate and justify conclusions, make proposals in the field of feed and feeding farm animals; use the technology of feeding, keeping, rearing, animals; apply acquired knowledge on the basics of product quality for practical work on paperwork, examination and confirmation of conformity of livestock products; plan and conduct research; keep records; apply the results of statistical processing of scientific data; carry out scientific; put into practice theoretical knowledge in the field of animal feed and feeding.
have skills: theoretical and practical work with modern methods of feeding farm animals, documentation; independent patent search; work with scientific literature; organize technological processes in order to obtain high-quality livestock products; planning and conducting your own research work; development, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and adjustment of the components of the technological process.
be competent in: the practical use of in-depth knowledge in the field of feed and feeding farm animals; application of modern technologies for the preparation of feed and feeding farm animals; leadership of a group of employees with acceptance of responsibility for the result of their actions on the technological process site.
Почетный профессор Казахского национального аграрного университета. Карьера. 1979 г. — Кайрат Айтуганов начал работать оператором цеха перевозки Кокчетавского почтамта. 1984-1985 гг. — ассистент кафедры почвоведения Целиноградского сельхозинститута. 1987-1989 гг. — агроном, старший агроном, главный экономист совхоза Карабулакский Зерендинского р-йона Кокчетавской обл.