Code and classification of education: 7M08-«Agriculture and Bioresources»
Code and classification of training areas: 7M083-«Forestry»
Qualifications: Master of Agricultural Sciences
Duration: 1 year
The purpose of the educational program "Forestry" - created for the training of highly qualified specialists, due to the increasing need of forestry specialists. Capable of operating in a highly competitive and professional environment, knowing the theory and practice of planting technology, able to draft, as well as the use of the technology skills of the plantation.
Objectives of the educational program:
1.The generation of an integrated system of knowledge, abilities, skills, and experience of the students in the master's degree in "Forestry";
General characteristics of the education program
The educational program "Forestry", development and operation of the forestry complex in the first place depends on securing regional forest resources, so also should pay attention to the analysis of the state of forest resources themselves. Forest resources are in close connection with the economic activity and the life of society, therefore, they are under the constant influence of different socio-economic and environmental factors. Therefore, to ensure a high level of development of the forest complex is very important training on forest resources, which will assess the state of forest resources and the impact on them of various factors.
A feature of EP is to ensure the skills of the future experts calculate taxational signs spaces, the definition of forest pests and diseases, taking into account the yield of non-wood products and assortment according to the assortment trade tables.
EP will be implemented highly skilled specialists with practical experience in the industry with the use of modern equipment own unique complexes as educational and scientific-industrial complex "Saryarka" and the forest nursery at campus university within the framework of international and national research grants. Students have the opportunity to study in universities and abroad for academic mobility program.
Areas of professional activity
The sphere of professional activity is forestry, landscaping and beautification of residential areas, commercial forestry, protective afforestation. Organization of forest management with a rational approach; preparation of seeds and other planting material; implementation of sowing and planting with process control; forest care to the solution of practical problems of capacity productivity; restoration of land after human economic activity; protective measures to prevent fires; Prevention of infection of insect pests and diseases; Site preparation for cutting; recording and evaluation of the forest; compilation of descriptions of forest plantations; control of hunting activities; the organization of leisure for the population; organization of tourist routes; designing artificial parks, nurseries, parks; legislative control;
Professional competence
to know and understand: Forecasting further development of pest populations, to develop a set of forest protection, forest management and organizational measures aimed at improving the plants, as well as to maintain and enhance the health, hygiene, protective functions of forests;
be able to: coordinate forestry and reforestation; work on the side forest, protection of forests from fires and forest violations, to protect them from pests and diseases; on the organization of the rational use of forest resources, reforestation, forest seed business, fire and recreational arrangement it.
master skills to: organize and manage the analytical work on the production of the company, to justify the choice and determine the best options for management of biological resources, their usefulness, cost-effectiveness; organize the work of systematizing regulatory, directive and methodical documents.
Почетный профессор Казахского национального аграрного университета. Карьера. 1979 г. — Кайрат Айтуганов начал работать оператором цеха перевозки Кокчетавского почтамта. 1984-1985 гг. — ассистент кафедры почвоведения Целиноградского сельхозинститута. 1987-1989 гг. — агроном, старший агроном, главный экономист совхоза Карабулакский Зерендинского р-йона Кокчетавской обл.