Code and classification of education: 7M08 Agriculture and Bioresources
Code and classification of training areas: 7M083 Forestry
Qualifications: Master of Agricultural Sciences
Duration: 2 years
The purpose of the educational program "Forest parking" - educational program was created based on employers' request, and in connection with the growing demand for specialists who can develop and implement projects of forest reclamation, control of forest management works and forestry works on forest maintenance, reforestation and protective afforestation.
Objectives of the educational program:
- Development of skills and competencies for future professionals in the field of forest-park management, familiarize yourself with the basic scientific and technical problems with the prospects of forest-park management and ways to improve the production of forest-park.
- Have an idea about the main aspects of the development of forest-park economy, able to work with scientific and technical information, to use domestic and foreign experience in professional activities.
- Preparation for the research activity of future specialists of forest parking.
General characteristics of the education program
The educational program "Forest parking" forest complex plays an important role in socio-economic development of the country, providing the basic conditions of social life and a significant impact on economic growth of states, as well as the foreign trade of the world, especially the construction and the needs of the population in a wide range of goods. In this connection there is need for training on forest resources.
Feature EP is to train future professionals skills implementation withescort, restore, enhance forest ecosystem stability and productivity, including specially protected territories; to create a healthy, aesthetically expressive environment in urban areas.
EP will be implemented highly skilled specialists with practical experience in the industry with the use of computer programs and modern equipment own unique natural complexes of polygons as educational and scientific-industrial complex "Sary-Arka" and the forest nursery at campus university within the framework of international and national research grants. Students have the opportunity to study in universities and abroad for academic mobility program.
Areas of professional activity
The sphere of professional activity of graduates are forestry and park service to preserve, care and reproduction forest and park RK arrays.
The objects of professional activity of graduates are: the state forestry agency, national and natural parks, nature reserves, nature reserves and wildlife sanctuaries, landscaping company, forest management and design businesses, forest nurseries.
The subjects of professional activity are the organization of work on account of forest resources and forest conservation, forest management, the establishment of forest plantations and cultivation of planting material, utilities and companies engaged in landscape design, gardening and landscaping of residential areas etc.
Professional competence
to know and understand: using the basic laws of natural sciences in professional work, to apply the methods of mathematical analysis and modeling of experimental studies; possession of basic methods, methods and means receiving, storing and processing information, computer skills as the information management means; knowledge of the systematics, anatomy, morphology, physiology and reproduction, the geographical distribution patterns of ontogeny and ecology of representatives of major taxa of forest and ornamental plants; understanding of the nature of the basic physiological processes of green plants on the mechanisms of regulation and the basic laws of plants relationship with the environment;
be able to: field to perform measurements of trees and shrubs with forest taxation devices, to determine and assess quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the forest;
master skills to: in the field to determine the systematic affiliation, names of major species of forest and ornamental plants, harmful and beneficial forest insect.
Почетный профессор Казахского национального аграрного университета. Карьера. 1979 г. — Кайрат Айтуганов начал работать оператором цеха перевозки Кокчетавского почтамта. 1984-1985 гг. — ассистент кафедры почвоведения Целиноградского сельхозинститута. 1987-1989 гг. — агроном, старший агроном, главный экономист совхоза Карабулакский Зерендинского р-йона Кокчетавской обл.