Mechanical Engineering (bachelor)

Mechanical Engineering (bachelor)

Education Area Code:

6В07- Engineering, manufacturing and construction industries

Preparation direction code:

6В071 - Engineering

Group ofeducational programs:

В064 – Mechanics and metalworking

Name of educational programs:

6В07104 - Technological machines and equipment

 6В07105 - Mechanical Engineering


Bachelor of Engineering and Technology in Educational Programs:

6В07104 - Technological machines and equipment

 6В07105 - Mechanical Engineering

Duration of study:

4 years

Form of study:



Math, physics

Brief description of the scope of knowledge: a graduate of the specialty Technological Machines and Equipment (Mechanical Engineering) can apply the knowledge gained in the study and development of all disciplines of the educational program in the field of agricultural engineering; analyze the causes of technological processes in agricultural engineering and develop measures to prevent them from obtaining high-quality measurement results. The needs of the labor market in the conditions of industrialization of production and digitalization of economic sectors within the framework of the State program “Digital Kazakhstan” form new requirements in the direction of diversification and improving the quality of training of specialists. In this regard, the implementation of the program is aimed at the development of research and fundamental components in the preparation of bachelors of engineering and technology. The solution to this problem is possible when synchronizing educational programs with the educational programs of leading foreign universities. 

Objects of professional activity of educational programs:  

The object of professional activity of specialists is the agricultural sector and processing industries, government bodies, research organizations, firms of various forms of ownership, engineering plants, food industry enterprises, as well as control and production laboratories, namely:

  • objects of machine-building production, technological equipment, instrumental equipment, technological equipment and automation;
  • development and design of technological equipment;
  • production and technological processes, their development and development of new technologies;
  • means of information, metrological, diagnostic and managerial support of technological systems to achieve the quality of products;
  • methods, means of testing and quality control of engineering products;
  • normative and technical documentation, standardization and certification systems, methods and means of testing and quality control of engineering products. 

Competitive Advantages of«Technological machines and equipment» (Mechanical Engineering)

  • over the past 3 years, according to the results of the rating of the Independent Accreditation and Rating Agency (IAAR) for the Republic of Kazakhstan, the educational program "Technological Machines and Equipment" takes 1st place;
  • The department "Technological machines and equipment" has an annex to the license for educational activities in the magistracy and doctoral studies, and this allows undergraduate students to improve their knowledge in the magistracy and doctoral programs;
  • on the recommendation of leading scientists from the University of California at Davis, an Agroengineering Platform was created, which includes the Production and Experimental Workshop of Metalworking and Welding and the Design Bureau, which are equipped with modern CNC machines;
  • Kazakh-Chinese Center for Agricultural Mechanization;
  • Kazakhstan-German Center for Precision Agriculture “Glass”;
  • Kazakhstan-American Center for Precision Farming "John Deer";
  • Scientific and experimental campus of the university (area of ​​1200 hectares);
  • Kazakhstan-Belarus Center for Training and Retraining. 

Advisor contacts: Bayshugulova Shyryn Kadrmendenovna, e-mail:, tel .: +77014017493