The educational program 8D04101 – «Management in agriculture»
Qualifications – «Doctor of Philosophy (PhD»
Training term - 3 years
Full-time form of education
Brief description of the application of knowledge: Educational program for training doctors PhD has the research and teaching focus and assumes fundamental educational, methodological and research training and in-depth the study of the disciplines relevant to the fields of sciences for the system of higher, postgraduate education and scientific sphere.
Doctoral studies includes: a parallel flow of the educational process and research activities; a scientific, educational and methodological training; foreign internships in the research work of doctoral student; consultation with the renowned international scientists.
Mastering the content of an educational program is aimed at building of the following competencies:
- ideas about the subject, ideological and methodological specificity of the natural (social, humanitarian, economic) sciences, scientific concepts of the world and Kazakhstan science;
- knowledge and understanding of current trends and development trends of Russian science;
- ability to carry out scientific research based on modern theories and methods of analysis, to generate their own scientific ideas, to communicate their knowledge and ideas to the scientific community and others.
PhD in educational program 8D04101 -Management in agriculture includes the study of the compulsory discipline "Research management" and the disciplines of choice: "Public administration in agriculture", Cooperative business enterprises/Human resource management strategy/ Statistics in the economy.
The program «Management in agriculture» was developed by a team of domestic and foreign scientists, teachers, successful businessmen, taking into account economic trends and labor market requirements. The program attracted doctors, candidates of Sciences and PhDs of the University, winners of "Best teacher of the University" and the international scholarship of the President RK "Bolashak", as well as scientists from foreign Universities: Agricultural University of Plovdiv (Bulgaria), Korea University (Korea), University of Alexander Stulginskis (Lithuania), etc.
Purpose of the educational program: The purpose of the educational program: training doctors PhD, able to work both individually and in a team, manage business processes effectively in agricultural enterprises operating in the industrial, educational areas, to participate in research and development to create innovative product from idea to its commercialization and distribution. Strong position the university as a strategic partner, allowed to form a strong network of our business partners in the scientific and artistic research: the establishment of the financial and credit systems, departments and agencies public administration, enterprises of different ownership forms, higher education institutions and others.
Learning outcomes
Graduates of this program will be able to demonstrate:
ON1 -demonstrate the ability to think, design, implement and adapt the existing research process in terms of the scientific approach, the publication of their research at the national and international level;
ON2 - to apply modern approaches of effective use of agricultural resources, to develop effective directions of management and stabilization of the economy of agriculture, to be prepared for management in the sectors of agriculture, supply chain management;
ON3 - to carry out management functions and solve professional problems in the interests of the enterprise, decision-making on their implementation in practice, the ability to effectively manage integrated agro-industrial formations;
ON4 - the ability to organize effective activities of agricultural enterprises, leading to the growth of its strategic competitiveness, to apply in practice the tools of strategic and internal planning;
ON5 - possess communication skills, ensure the interaction of corporate culture and the environment; have the ability to organize and develop cooperative business enterprises; manage human resources
ON6 - apply statistical analysis methods in assessment of the state and prospects of development of specific socio-economic phenomena and processes.
Contacts: Anar Nukesheva, head of the department "Мanagement and marketing" 39-82-08
Почетный профессор Казахского национального аграрного университета. Карьера. 1979 г. — Кайрат Айтуганов начал работать оператором цеха перевозки Кокчетавского почтамта. 1984-1985 гг. — ассистент кафедры почвоведения Целиноградского сельхозинститута. 1987-1989 гг. — агроном, старший агроном, главный экономист совхоза Карабулакский Зерендинского р-йона Кокчетавской обл.