Area code and classification: 8D08 agriculture and bioresources
Code and classification of training areas: 8D081 plants awarded degree ph.d. In educational program
"Scientific basis of plant nutrition and fertilizer application"
Duration: 3 years
The purpose of the educational program " Scientific basis of plant nutrition and fertilizer application " is the preparation of phd doctors with a high level of professional competence, including a culture of professional communication, with a civil position, able to formulate and solve modern experimental and practical problems in the educational and scientific field on the theory of plant nutrition and the development of techniques optimization of mineral nutrition of plants when using fertilizers.
The main tasks of the educational program "scientific basis of plant nutrition and fertilizer application"
- meeting the needs of the individual in the field of vocational education, creating conditions for the implementation of the principle of individualization and differentiation of the learning process;
- deepening the fundamental knowledge of balanced plant nutrition, regulation of metabolic processes and the role of fertilizers in crop formation and its quality.
- mastering by the doctoral student of the most important and sustainable knowledge, ensuring a holistic perception of the theory of mineral nutrition of plants;
- the formation of students' ability to self-improvement and self-development, the needs and skills of independent creative mastering new knowledge on the targeted regulation of the conditions of mineral nutrition of plants to obtain products of a given qualitative composition;
- training of specialists able to solve modern scientific and practical problems and carry out research, management and teaching activities in higher educational institutions.
General characteristics of the educational program
Modern agricultural technologies are complexes of technological operations for managing the production process of agricultural crops to achieve the planned yield and product quality while ensuring environmental safety and a certain economic efficiency.
Agrotechnologies are connected in a single system of agrolandscape management through crop rotations, tillage systems, fertilizers and plant protection. However, they have an individual value, defined. first of all. features of the variety, soil and climatic conditions. A special role here belongs to the creation of fertilizer systems, which would most closely take into account the needs of cultivated plants.
The solution of the problem of yield and improvement of the quality of agricultural products while maintaining soil fertility must be linked to the characteristics of agrophytocenoses. This inevitably requires a special approach to the development of scientifically based measures for the rational use of fertilizers and the preservation of soil fertility based on an integrated ecological and agronomic approach, taking into account the biological productivity of plants and the balance of nutrients in agriculture, which will make it possible to predict the need of crops for nutrients, the appropriateness of the ratio of nutrients and effects of fertilizers on the soil. The above determines the relevance of the development of this educational program.
The peculiarity of the program being implemented is its focus on preparing graduates for professional scientific and production activities, ready to solve the issues of developing the scientific foundations for the effective use of fertilizers and directional regulation of the mineral nutrition of cultivated plants that ensure the reproduction of soil fertility and eliminate undesirable environmental consequences.
Professional activities
NAO "Government for Citizens" Department of Land Resources and Real Estate in Astana, Almaty and branches in the Republic of Kazakhstan; specialized research institutes, research and production centers, the State Enterprise "Republican Scientific and Methodological Center of Agrochemical Service" and branches in the regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, structural subdivisions of the Ministry of Agriculture, the Committee for Environmental Regulation and Control of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, firms, etc .; higher education institutions of agricultural profile; expert and design institutions.
Professional competencies
1) to have an idea: about the interconnection of the system: soil-plant-fertilizer and the physiological bases for the use of fertilizers for agricultural crops, about the possibilities of applying innovative scientific methods and technical means in solving the most important problems of plant nutrition and the use of fertilizers; about the possibilities of using geographic information systems, IT-technologies in managing the production process of agricultural crops, soil fertility, rational use of agricultural land, in the system of mechanized work on the use of modern means of land reclamation and chemicalization; plant nutrition monitoring;
2) to know: features of the behavior and conversion of fertilizers in the soil, their influence on the properties of the soil and plants, the essence of the relationship of soil-plant-fertilizer, methods of diagnosing the conditions of soil nutrition of plants, criteria for evaluating the effective fertility of the soil; fundamentals of research in soil science and agrochemistry on plant nutrition and fertilizer use; main technological problems in the field of soil science and agrochemistry, the possibility of applying IT-technologies in professional activities; rules, methods and means of preparing technical documentation of scientific and pedagogical projects; modern methodology and methods of teaching in higher education institutions;
3) to be able to: apply the obtained theoretical knowledge and practical skills in conducting independent fundamental and applied research to develop activities aimed at optimizing the mineral nutrition of plants with regard to the requirements of cultivated crops, soil fertility, fertilizer characteristics, technology of their introduction, the level of production intensification; formulate and solve problems arising in the course of professional, research and educational activities that require in-depth special knowledge; choose the necessary research methods and teaching methods, effectively use innovative learning technologies; process the obtained results, analyze and reflect on them taking into account the available literature data; to present the results of the work done in the form of scientific reports, reports, articles, designed in accordance with the existing requirements; communicate your knowledge and achievements to colleagues and the scientific community; contribute to the development of soil science and agrochemistry through the introduction of original developments, research results;
to have skills: in conducting experimental scientific and practical activities, scientific public speaking, scientific and business writing; teaching in higher and secondary schools; use of general scientific methodology, logic and technology of research work, skills of processing its results in various forms of scientific products; pedagogical activity; evaluating the results of research activities, establishing the state of objects in order to make responsible decisions;
to be competent: in matters of understanding the importance of chemicalization of agriculture in improving soil fertility, yield and quality of crops; theory of soil formation processes; features of fertilizer application in various soil and climatic conditions; increase the effectiveness of the implementation of educational programs and capacity building programs in the field of soil management.
For persons with disabilities, it is formed an individual learning trajectory which provides the opportunity to choose the form of education and professional practice.
Почетный профессор Казахского национального аграрного университета. Карьера. 1979 г. — Кайрат Айтуганов начал работать оператором цеха перевозки Кокчетавского почтамта. 1984-1985 гг. — ассистент кафедры почвоведения Целиноградского сельхозинститута. 1987-1989 гг. — агроном, старший агроном, главный экономист совхоза Карабулакский Зерендинского р-йона Кокчетавской обл.