Code and classification of the education area: 8D08 – «Agriculture and bioresources »
Code and classification of training direction: 8D082 «Livestock»
Awarded degree: doctor of philosophy (PhD), specialty «Animal Science».
Duration of training: 3 years
Purpose of the educational program: training of PhD doctors with the high level of professional competence for management, research and teaching activities aimed at ensuring reproduction, breeding, selection of agricultural and livestock production.
General characteristics of the educational program
The educational program "Animal Science" is designed on the basis of a modular system for studying disciplines and consists of 3 modules that form general and professional competencies in the scientific and pedagogical direction.
The educational program involves fundamental, educational, methodological and research training and in-depth study of disciplines in agricultural education for higher and postgraduate education and agricultural enterprises.
The educational program contains a theoretical training course, including the study of cycles of basic and majors; additional types of training: pedagogical and research practice, research work of a doctoral candidate, including the completion of a doctoral dissertation, as well as final certification - a comprehensive exam and the design and defense of a doctoral dissertation.
The relevance of the animal science education program lies in the need to train highly qualified scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel capable of innovative activities in the field of science, education and production.
Accordingly, a PhD doctoral candidate should develop the skills of independent research and teaching activities, as well as other competencies necessary for successful work in the agricultural sector.
The educational program contributes to the training of specialists with a high level of professional culture, who are able to formulate and solve modern scientific and practical problems in the educational sphere and successfully carry out teaching, research and management activities.
For the widespread introduction of the educational program, qualified specialists in this field are needed.
The uniqueness of the educational program in the training of specialists is carried out by skills in the analysis of the information received, generalization and their systematization. The educational program combines all areas of modern biology, which are a key factor in the progress of the study of complex biological processes and systems at the molecular, cellular, organismic and population levels.
Professional activities
- The sphere of professional activity of the graduate of the educational program " Animal Science " is scientific, educational, administrative and industrial activities in the field of agriculture in particular:
- local and republican state institutions, as well as various types of agricultural formations (individual, collective, farms, joint-stock companies, limited liability partnership, production cooperatives, etc.);
- educational activities in higher, specialized secondary, vocational and technical educational institutions of agricultural and biological profile, scientific and managerial activities in scientific and industrial institutions, in the apparatus of local, regional, regional, republican structures.
- selection and genetics in animal husbandry, assessment and selection of animals for breeding purposes; conducting breeding and breeding work; the creation of new breeds and types of animals;
- Professional competencies
understand about:
- modern scientific methods;
- advanced technical means and methods for use in the breeding process;
- trends and directions of development and prospects for their use;
- understand the problems of reproduction and selection of farm animals;
- principles of organization of management processes;
- problems of reproduction and selection of farm animals
- the mechanism for introducing scientific development into practice;
- standards of interaction in the scientific community;
pedagogical and scientific ethics of a research scientist.
to know:
- critical analysis methods;
- assessment of modern scientific achievements;
- highlight and systematize the main ideas in scientific texts;
- critically evaluate any incoming information, regardless of the source;
- on the organization and control of the full feeding of animals;
- critically evaluate any incoming information;
- selection methods, selection for the most important properties, organization and technique of the selection process;
- on the organization and implementation of production processes in livestock farms, taking into account the possibility of controlling the productivity of animals and the quality of the products obtained, using modern agricultural equipment;
- teaching methodology and methodology in institutions of higher and special education and conducting scientific experiments;
- modern means of communication, computer technology, prospects and trends in the development of information technology in the field of higher and special education;
- fundamentals of economics, labor organization, higher and special education, production and scientific research.
to be able to
- use modern selection methods;
- apply research methods in the field of selection;
- own crossing methods;
- apply research methods in the field of selection;
- work as an organizer of strengthening the feed base of livestock;
- draw up detailed standards for the needs of the body of highly productive animals;
- to make scientifically-based and balanced rations from available feeds;
- analyze problems and processes of a technological nature;
- apply research methods in the field of selection;
- to use in the obtained theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the implementation of pedagogical activities, independent fundamental and applied research;
- to formulate and solve problems arising in the course of professional, research, and pedagogical activities, requiring in-depth professional knowledge;
- present the results of the work done in the form of reports, reports, abstracts, articles, drawn up in accordance with the existing requirements, with the involvement of modern editing and printing tools;
- сontribute with our own original solutions, research, expanding the boundaries of scientific fields and educational programs.
to have skills:
- on the latest developments in the field of intensive technology for livestock production;
- basic technologies in livestock industries;
- scientific communication;
- use of a general scientific methodology with logic and technology for conducting research work with the presentation of its results in various forms of scientific production.
be competent:
- areas of scientific and scientific-pedagogical activity in the conditions of rapid updating and growth of information flows;
- generating new ideas in solving research and practical problems;
- conducting theoretical and experimental scientific research in the field of farm animal breeding;
- statement and solution of theoretical and applied problems in scientific research;
- conducting a professional and comprehensive analysis of problems in breeding farm animals;
- issues of interpersonal communication and human resource management;
- issues of university training of specialists;
- examination of scientific projects and research;
- ensuring continuous professional growth;
- ability to review research papers;
- areas of theoretical and methodological foundations of scientometry and modeling and development of indicators of scientometry;
- knowledge of the main problems in livestock farming in Kazakhstan;
- solving the problems of using valuable genetic resources based on our own tribal base;
the efficiency of production and sales of livestock products.