«Assessment» bachelor's degree

«Assessment» bachelor's degree

Education area code and classification:

6B04 - «Business, management and law»

Code and classification of training areas:

6B041 - «Business and management»

Degree awarded: bachelor of business and management in the educational program «Assessment»

Term of study: 4 years

The purpose of the educational program is to train highly qualified competitive appraisers to provide services in the field of business and management.

"Assessment" was created on the basis of the request of employers and agreed with the Metropolitan chamber of appraisers. The educational program is aimed at training appraisers. Appraiser-specialist-expert who has the right to assess and sign a report on the assessment of real estate, vehicles, equipment, enterprises, claims, works, etc. the Appraiser can carry out evaluation activities independently, engaged in private practice, as well as on the basis of an employment contract between the appraiser and a legal entity that meets the conditions

The main objective of the program is the following:

  • preparation of a specialist for creative active professional and social activities, qualitative implementation of practical tasks, obtaining theoretical knowledge to solve practical problems and problems in conditions of uncertainty and risk; - to know the basics of anti-corruption culture and the laws of nature development, to be able to analyze and summarize materials about natural man-made processes;
  • to know a foreign language to understand the terminology of international standards of evaluation, as well as negotiating and conducting evaluation activities together with foreign experts, to be able to use foreign sources of evaluation in evaluation activities.
  • Objectives of the educational program:
  • formation of the main professional competencies of future appraisers;
  • training of the specialist of new formation possessing wide fundamental knowledge, initiative, adaptive to changing requirements of the labor market and technologies, able to work in a team;
  • training of a specialist with the necessary knowledge in the field of mathematics for economists, Economics, management and marketing, Finance, accounting and auditing, statistics, theoretical foundations of valuation, prices and pricing, real estate Economics, property management.

General characteristics of the educational program

When developing the educational program, the requirements of the labor market, the requests of potential employers and consumers in the field of management and business are taken into account. Special attention is paid to the identification of interests and improvement of mechanisms to meet the needs of consumers of educational services. The educational process uses interactive technologies of teaching students, trainings, case-technology, business and simulation games, etc. Traditional training sessions maximize the cognitive activity of students. The educational program is implemented with the use of information technologies in the educational process, specialized software products, free access to the Internet, the provision of educational materials in electronic form, the use of multimedia, active-game forms of education. Students develop professionally significant personal qualities, such as tolerance, responsibility, vitality, professional optimism, etc. scientific and practical conferences, competitions of student creativity, etc. contribute to the Solution of these problems

The relevance of the presented materials is predetermined by numerous requests of employers in graduates of this specialty. It meets all the requirements of training a modern specialist appraiser. 

Areas of professional activity

The field of professional activity of graduates who have mastered the educational program includes:

  • organizations of any organizational and legal form (commercial, non-commercial, state, non-state) and public authorities;
  • structures in which graduates are entrepreneurs who create and develop their own business;
  • banks of the second level.

Professional competence:

  • possession of skills of search, analysis and use of normative and legal documents in the professional activity;
  • ability to find organizational and managerial decisions and willingness to bear responsibility for them from the standpoint of the social significance of decisions;
  • the ability to design organizational structures, participate in the development of human resource management strategies of organizations, plan and implement activities, allocate and delegate authority, taking into account personal responsibility for the activities carried out;
  • ability to carry out business communication and public speaking, conduct negotiations, meetings, carry out business correspondence and maintain electronic communications;
  • skills of preparation of the report of an assessment taking into account consequences of influence of various methods and ways on the basis of use of modern methods of information processing and corporate information systems;
  • knowledge of decision-making methods in the management of operational (production) activities of organizations;
  • ability to solve standard tasks of professional activity on the basis of information and bibliographic culture with application of information and communication technologies and taking into account the basic requirements of information security;
  • possession of modern information technologies for solving professional problems;
  • knowledge and understanding of laws of development of the nature, society and thinking and ability to operate with this knowledge in professional activity.