Code and classification of the field of education: 6B08 Agriculture and bioresources
Code and classification of training areas: 6B081 Crop production
Code in the International Standard Classification of Education: 0812
Degree awarded: Bachelor of Agriculture in the educational program "Advanced Agronomic Science"
Duration of study: 4 years
Goal of the educational program: The goal of the educational program is to prepare bachelors in the direction of "Agronomy" with in-depth study of fundamental disciplines (biology, chemistry, mathematics, physics, IT), for the development of professional competencies of the scientific direction, as well as for continuing studies in master's degree programs of world universities.
Objectives of the educational program:
1. Implementation of fundamental education aimed at training highly qualified personnel in the professional field;
2. Introduction of innovative technologies in the education and training of competitive specialists in the field of Agronomy;
3. The use of modern educational technologies, techniques, approaches and innovative methods in teaching disciplines;
4. Training of competent specialists with in-depth theoretical knowledge and practical skills for admission to the magistracy of world-class universities;
5. Formation of universal and socio-personal values of the graduate, as well as environmental, physical, ethical, legal culture, culture of thinking;
6. Education in the spirit of patriotism, friendship of the peoples of the Republic of Kazakhstan, respect for different cultures, traditions and customs;
7. Prepare the graduate for professional activity, mobility, continuous professional and moral improvement and growth throughout life;
8. Formation of graduates' competitiveness in the labor market to ensure the possibility of the fastest possible employment in the specialty.
General characteristics of the educational program
The educational program 6B08105 "Advanced Agronomic Science" was developed to implement a cooperation agreement with AgroParisTech University aimed at improving the quality of educational services in the field of agriculture. The new educational program will allow you to gain in-depth knowledge in the academic environment with the possibility of applying them while continuing the postgraduate education program at domestic and world universities.
A feature of the implemented program is to provide training of specialists with in-depth fundamental knowledge, which is the basis of professional competencies in accordance with the requirements of employers in the field of agriculture and related industries in the direction of Agronomy.
A distinctive feature of the educational program: joint educational program with Agro Paris Tech - Paris Institute of Technology of Life Sciences, Food and Environment (France).
The uniqueness of the new educational program is the strengthening of basic knowledge using an interdisciplinary approach for the development of professional disciplines in the field of training.
The educational program "6B08105 Advanced Agronomic Science" was developed in accordance with the classifier of training areas with higher and postgraduate education (Approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 569 dated October 13, 2018) and agreed with the Dublin descriptors and the European Qualifications Framework.
The educational program is focused on the training of specialists and scientific and pedagogical personnel, and the transfer of scientific results to the relevant sector of the economy on the basis of scientific achievements, both the results of their own research and world science.
The educational program is developed on the basis of a modular system for studying disciplines and consists of 12 modules. The total volume of theoretical undergraduate education is 242 credits, including the cycle of general education disciplines includes 56 credits, the cycle of basic disciplines - 121 credits, the cycle of profile disciplines - 53 credits and the final certification is 12 academic credits.
Areas of professional activity
Graduates who have mastered the educational program "Advanced agronomic science" can work in research institutions in the field of agriculture; secondary specialized educational institutions, regardless of the forms of ownership in the field of training, institutions for variety testing of agricultural crops; institutions of agrochemical service, quarantine services; plant protection stations.
Professional competencies
know and understand: To form knowledge that allows solving a set of professional tasks taking into account the socio-ethnic norms accepted in society, to form knowledge of general physics, the basics of thermodynamics and electromagnetism, biophysics, to formulate basic concepts of basic knowledge, to solve physical problems in professional activity, to perform a physical experiment, to identify, compare, draw conclusions, formulate their own arguments in applied tasks of the future profession, work with modern information technologies, have the skills to calculate and process the received data, to use philosophical knowledge to form ideological positions, to strive for knowledge, pragmatism, competitiveness, which is the fundamental principle of the development of society in the conditions of modern reality. Memorize and reproduce the information received, the main breeding terms, specific facts, list patterns in plant breeding and genetics. The ability to present the material in your own words. To know and understand the rules and principles in plant breeding and genetics, can explain facts, patterns and phenomena and interpret graphs and diagrams. Be able to solve practical problems using new methods, formulas and laws. Highlight the principles of data construction and can highlight the most effective research methods. The ability to generalize and combine their knowledge. Creation of new models, varieties and hybrids, identify problems and suggestions for their solution. Evaluate claims using criteria, requirements, or research methods. Logical accuracy of conclusions and argumentation of one's point of view. To know the concept of the variety model, the sources of hereditary variability, their role for breeding.
be able to: be able to apply the basic rules and laws of physics in solving physical problems and situations, work with measuring instruments and with application software packages, develop the ability to self-organize and self-education. Use modern laboratory equipment to perform qualitative and quantitative analysis of the characteristics and properties of various crops. To create various backgrounds for the selection of breeding material with a set of useful features, to carry out an assessment based on knowledge of phenotypic, biochemical and molecular genetic methods of marker analysis. The ability to generalize and combine their knowledge in plant breeding and genetics.
have skills: in solving organizational and economic issues; distribute labor resources, give clear and effective instructions. To operate with basic information methods of processing experimental studies to increase the level of reliability of experimental results.
Почетный профессор Казахского национального аграрного университета. Карьера. 1979 г. — Кайрат Айтуганов начал работать оператором цеха перевозки Кокчетавского почтамта. 1984-1985 гг. — ассистент кафедры почвоведения Целиноградского сельхозинститута. 1987-1989 гг. — агроном, старший агроном, главный экономист совхоза Карабулакский Зерендинского р-йона Кокчетавской обл.