5B080800 - "Soil science and agrochemistry"
Qualification- the bachelor of agriculture in "Soil science and agrochemistry".
Training duration - 4 years.
Form of education- full time
4 subject- biology.
Short description of a scope of knowledge
In Kazakhstan are in demand experts the soil scientists and agrochemists who can develop methods of restoration and land reclamation, protection of soils against an erosion and a deflation; systems and technologies of use of fertilizers; to carry out an assessment of lands and appraisal of quality of soils. The bachelor of soil science and agrochemistry makes control and methodical providing at the organization of agroenvironmental and agrochemical monitoring.
Bachelors of agriculture develop skills necessary for work as agronomists, engineers, middle managers, researchers.
Prospects of employment of experts
Bachelors of agriculture are able to get job in scientifically research institutes, the research and production centers, in organizations and divisions of territorial and land committees; Committees on environmental protection and natural resources; republican, regional and district centers of "Agrochemical service"; farmer and country farms, private production cooperatives, joint-stock companies, limited liability companies and so on.
Summary of the program
Educational programs include studying of courses of the general geology, fundamentals of soil science, agrology, protection of soils, mappings and bonitation of soils, geography of soils, agrochemistry of plants and soils, agrochemistry, system of use of fertilizers, etc.
The government of RK pays special attention to training of agrochemists and soil scientists who can successfully solve problems of preservation of fertility of the soil and rational use of fertilizers and allocates enough grants for this specialty.
Students annually participate in the republican and international subject Olympiad among HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS, scientific conferences and competitions.They have an opportunity to be trained in the leading HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS of the republic and abroad during one term.
According to a rating of NAAR of 2015 the specialty takes 1 place.
The Chair of soil science and agrochemistry
Contact: Ramazanova R. H. manager of department of soil science and agrochemistry
Ph. 8 775 633 03 14, e-mail: rausha05@mail.ru
6M080800 - "Soil science and agrochemistry"
Qualification – the master of agricultural sciences on the specialty Soil science and agrochemistry.
Training term- 2 years (scientific and pedagogical direction), 1,5 years (profile direction).
Form of education- full time.
Short description of a scope of knowledge
Planning and the organization of scientific researches in the field of genesis and evolution of soils, biology, chemistry, physics of soils, physiology of food of plants, agrochemistry and rational use of fertilizers, soil and vegetable diagnostics, etc. The magister will mastered the technique of soil meliorative and agrochemical inspection, diagnostics of food of plants, development of the system of use of fertilizers, the organization and carrying out actions for preservation and reproduction of soil fertility, rational use of fertilizers, a bonitirovka, agroproduction group of lands.
Short description of skills
Masters can carry out professional activity of the head, leading expert, engineer, expert, manager, marketing specialist, teacher, methodologist. Can work at scientifically research institutes, the research and production centers, territorial and land committees; Committees on environmental protection and natural resources; divisions of " Agrochemical service"; farmer and country farms, private production cooperatives, joint-stock companies, the limited liability companies, in the highest and average educational institutions.
Summary of the program
The basis of an educational program of a magistracy make by courses - "The Agroecological assessment of lands", "Design of high technologies". "Physics and chemistry of soils", "Genesis and classification of soils", "System of optimization of mineral food", "Technique of agrochemical researches", etc.
The educational program is developed on the principle of polylingual training.
Undergraduates have an opportunity to undertake foreign scientific training in HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS of the FSU and beyond. Participate in preparation and implementation of scientific projects in the field of soil science and agrochemistry.
After completing magistracy have an opportunity to continue training in doctoral studies.
The Chair of soil science and agrochemistry
Contact: Ramazanova R. H., manager of department of soil science and agrochemistry
Ph. 8 775 633 03 14, e-mail: rausha05@mail.ru
6D080800 - "Soil science and agrochemistry"
Qualification- the doctor of philosophy (PhD) in the specialty 6D080800 – "Soil science and agrochemistry".
Training term- 3 years.
Form of education- full time.
Short description of a scope of knowledge
Scientific knowledge and use of the main theories, concepts, methodology and the principles of research of questions of fertility of soils, his preservation and reproduction, a bonitation and an economic assessment of lands, physiological bases of food of plants, regularities of the physiological and biochemical processes happening in the soil and plants in connection with application of means of chemicalixation.
Short description of skills
Doctoral candidates develop skills of independent planning and the organization of scientific researches for the solution of specific research, information retrieval, methodical objectives on genesis and evolution of soils, biology, chemistry, physics of soils, physiology of food of plants, agrochemistry and rational use of fertilizers. Doctors of philosophy develop skills of the organization of teaching and educational process in HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS.
Summary of the program
The basis of an educational program of doctoral studies is made by disciplines: "Theoretical bases and ways of regulation of fertility of soils", "Soil biota", "Innovative management", "Management of productional process of agricultural cultures", "Scientific bases of food of plants and use of fertilizers", "Bioremidiation and bioindication of soils" and others.
Practical training of doctoral studies is given in separate disciplines on the basis of RNMTs " Agrochemical service ".
The educational program is developed on the principle of polylingual training.
Doctoral candidates have an opportunity to undertake foreign scientific training in HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS of the FSU and beyond, and also conduct research work on a thesis in the modern innovative centers, laboratories and scientific institutes of the republic.
The young scientist with degree of PhD has high competitiveness as in our country, and abroad.
The Chair of soil science and agrochemistry
Contact: Ramazanova R. H., manager of department of soil science and agrochemistry
Ph. 8 775 633 03 14, e-mail: rausha05@mail.ru
Почетный профессор Казахского национального аграрного университета. Карьера. 1979 г. — Кайрат Айтуганов начал работать оператором цеха перевозки Кокчетавского почтамта. 1984-1985 гг. — ассистент кафедры почвоведения Целиноградского сельхозинститута. 1987-1989 гг. — агроном, старший агроном, главный экономист совхоза Карабулакский Зерендинского р-йона Кокчетавской обл.