Selection of field crops

Selection of field crops

Education program "Selection of field crops” - magistracy


Education area code and classification: 7M08 – “Agriculture and bioresources”

Code and classification of training direction: 7M081 – “Crop production”

Awarded degree: master of agriculture in the educational program “Selection of field crops»                                                            

Duration of study: 2 years (scientific and pedagogical)

Purpose of the educational program: to train specialists with a high level of professional culture, able to formulate and solve modern scientific and practical problems in the educational sphere, to carry out teaching, research and management activities successfully.

Objectives of the educational program:

  1. Formation of skills of independent research and teaching activities;
  2. Study of theoretical and methodological foundations of agricultural sciences;
  3. Improvement of philosophical outlook, including one focused on professional activity;
  4. Improving knowledge of a foreign language, including using it in professional activities.

Graduates are the scientific and pedagogical personnel of the highest qualification capable to solve independently production problems by methods of scientific researches.

General characteristics of the educational program

The educational program "Selection of field crops" was developed in accordance with the classification of areas of training with higher and postgraduate education and agreed with the Dublin descriptors and the European qualifications framework. The educational program contains theoretical training, including the study of cycles of basic and major disciplines, as well as the final certification. The educational program is designed on the basis of a modular system of studying disciplines and contains 6 modules that form General cultural, special language and professional competence.

The relevance of the educational program,first of all, is due to the need to prepare highly qualified in an ever-increasing role of knowledge-based production in agriculture. This program is aimed at consolidation and expansion of theoretical knowledge of the graduates with their further use in practice.

Competitive advantages are the training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel of higher qualification for science, education and agricultural production, having a complex of modern knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of universal, professional competencies that contribute to its social mobility and demand in the labor market.

The uniqueness of the educational program is the training of personnel ready for independent research, teaching, methodological, organizational and managerial activities, able to make an effective contribution to the development of agricultural crops with a high level of General and professional culture through quality training of competent personnel through the creation of conditions for quality education, based on the implementation of innovative programs.

Professional activities

Graduates who have mastered the program of the educational program "Selection of field crops" can work in:

- research, production and production organizations in the field of agriculture, breeding and seed production, protection of agricultural plants, seed farms;

- local and Republican state institutions, as well as enterprises of various types of agricultural formations;

- educational spheres of higher, secondary special, vocational, agricultural and biological institutions;

- scientific and industrial institutions, in the apparatus of local, district, regional, national structures of the Ministry of agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Professional competences

to know:

-modern methods of selection, the ways of its development and improvement on the basis of the latest discoveries in genetics and molecular biology;

-methods of creation of initial material for selection of field crops;

-methods of testing of breeding material, varieties, hybrids and offspring of elite plants in the relevant breeding nurseries;

-requirements for zoning of varieties and hybrids;

-modern methods of research of structure and function of cells;

-structural and molecular organization of plant cells,

-mechanisms of cellular functioning;

-mechanisms of cell division and differentiation;

-mechanisms of intracellular regulation;

-basic principles of genome organization;

-structure and function of the Pro – and eukaryotic gene;

-chromosome structure and functions;

-the achievements of domestic and foreign scientists and practitioners in the field of breeding and seed;

- general theoretical bases of zonal systems of agriculture;

- factors of influence on the formation of soil fertility and methods of reproduction of soil fertility in different soil and climatic zones ;

-methods of regulation of living conditions of plants in zonal systems of agriculture;

- features of the farming system in Northern Kazakhstan;

- scientific basis of tillage, the principles of minimizing tillage;

- soil erosion and control measures;

-features of crop rotations in various modern farming systems;

- weed species and control measures in the soil protection system of agriculture;

-to know and understand the essence of the main stages of physiology of plant growth and development, physiological and biochemical processes during ontogenesis (embryonic, juvenile, reproductive, maturity, aging);

-features of the growth of cells and organs of the plant, the stages of their development;

-environmental aspects of the most important physiological processes and their features depending on the influence of external conditions;

-interaction of growth hormones and their application in crop production;

- modern methods of scientific agronomy;

- basic elements of the field experience methodology;

- basic principles of field experience of data processing

- influence of the technique of field experience on it's mistake;

- history of bioinformatics development, principles and methods of genetic, protein and cell engineering;

- methods of fundamental and applied research of biological Informatics;

- modern problems of molecular biology solved with the use of computer programming and modeling;

-basics of fundamental and applied Sciences for solving research, information retrieval problems;

- actual problems and tendencies of development of agricultural Sciences;

- theoretical bases of selection of field crops; bases of biometrics in selection and genetics of plants;

- modern methods and methods of breeding and seed production and their reasonable use in the creation of new varieties and reproduction of varieties;

- university pedagogy and psychology;

- methods of teaching agricultural disciplines.

to be able to:

- determine the types and varieties of field crops;

- implement techniques of hybridization and crossing techniques;

-conduct selections;

-analyze the inheritance of traits and properties in a number of generations of hybrids of field crops;

-grow elite seeds of field crops;

-use the knowledge gained in practice, to choose research methods that are adequate to the task.

-analyze modern scientific literature on cell biology and scientific problems considered in this discipline;

-identify the most important problem issues and predict their possible solutions;

- formulate and justify conclusions, justify their proposals in the field of breeding and seed;

-regulate the conditions of plant growth in zonal systems of agriculture and features of the system of agriculture in Northern Kazakhstan;

- application of crop rotations in various modern farming systems;

- acquisition of practical skills in conducting experiments on the study of basic physiological processes|;   

-use methods of light microscopy in working with objects,

-use the methods of research and analysis of living systems (mathematical methods of processing the results of research);

- clearly and in details communicate their findings and knowledge on the physiology of plant growth and development as a theoretical basis for increasing plant productivity.

- choose the right land for the experience;

- plan, establish and carry out multi-year univariate and multivariate experiments;

- maintain documentation and reporting on field experience;

to have skills:

- technology bookmarks of field experience;

- methods of experiment planning;

- work with the methods of accounting thecrop;

- work with methods of preliminary processing of experimental data;

- working with the principles of processing long-term data of field experiments;

- processing of experimental data;

- demonstration of basic knowledge about the technology of bioinformatics and apply them in practice;

- critical analysis of the information received and presentation of research results;

-patent search in the field of research,      

-to discuss problems, to argue conclusions and to operate correctly with information;

-on the use of methodological and methodical approaches, to present the developed materials, to conduct a constructive discussion, to finalize the materials taking into account the results of their discussion

-on the use of methods of selection and genetic analysis in the selection of field crops;

- participation in scientific discussion;

- making independent judgments and independent decisions;

- freely navigate in the theoretical and methodological framework;

- defend their point of view;

- work with electronic resources of different levels;

- to acquire theoretical and practical skills of working with modern methods of selection.

- implementation in practice of hybridization techniques and crossing techniques, conduct individual and mass selection;

- weed control in the soil protection system of agriculture;

- in the preparation of zonal systems (agrolandscape) agriculture, taking into account the soil and climatic conditions of the economy;

- knowledge of methods for diagnosing the growth and development of different plant varieties;

- work with modern laboratory and breeding equipment;

- in the practical use of in-depth knowledge in the field of scientific agronomy;

- critical analysis and evaluation of modern scientific achievements, as well as the generation of new ideas in solving practical problems, including in interdisciplinary areas;

- creation of artificial genetic systems with specified properties;

-independent patent search in the field of research on topical issues of field crops breeding;

-work with scientific literature, methods of writing articles, analysis of methodological problems;

- methods of creating and using models to predict various processes and phenomena, while carrying out qualitative and quantitative analysis and synthesis;

- pedagogical skill.

be competent in:

-knowledge of the methodology of theoretical and experimental research in the field of genetics and plant breeding;

-application of plant protection methods and experimental studies in crop breeding;

-ownership of agricultural production methodology;

-knowledge of methods and techniques of breeding and seed-growing processes, the ability to develop and improve various methods of selection, intraspecific and distant hybridization;

- skills in isolation and cultivation of plant cells;

- knowledge of molecular genetic analysis methods;

- conducting aprobacion works with crop varieties

- conduct qualified research in the field of breeding and seed production;

- the use of agricultural techniques that promote the conservation and improvement of soil fertility, protect the soil from erosion and allow higher yields of agricultural crops in different soil-climatic zones;

- development of new methods of research design and organization of agricultural production;

- practical use of knowledge in the field of scientific agronomy, plant breeding and genetics;

- analysis of scientific and experimental data in the field of crop breeding;

-development and implementation of management innovations in professional activities, to master and implement innovative educational technologies in the educational process.